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Topics of productions
  • 2012 - 2021
    Groupe de recherche en droit, économie et gestion
  • 2017 - 2020
    Communauté d'universités et établissements Université Côte d'Azur
  • 2018 - 2019
    Centre national de la recherche scientifique
  • 2015 - 2016
    Groupe de recherches en management
  • 1995 - 2015
    Université Nice-Sophia-Antipolis
  • 2012 - 2013
    Centre d'économie de Paris Nord
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2012
  • 2010
  • 2009
  • 2007
  • 2006
  • 2005
  • 2004
  • 1996
  • Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Renewable Energy Crowdfunding: An Assessment and Policy Implications.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Sandra RIGOT, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2021
    No summary available.
  • A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Renewable Energy Crowdfunding: An Assessment and Policy Proposals.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Sandra RIGOT, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    22ème session du séminaire financement de la transition énergétique (webinaire) : Plateformes de financement participatif et Energies renouvelables : Une nouvelle forme d’intermédiation financière à la hauteur des enjeux climatiques ? | 2021
    No summary available.
  • Exploring the economic and social impacts of Industry 4.0.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Edward LORENZ, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2020
    No summary available.
  • The social acceptability of anonymous video analytics (AVA) technology: A case study in three retail stores in Quebec.

    Francine CHAREST, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Communication strategies for building social acceptability of an artificial intelligence (AI) application: anonymous video analysis (AVA).

    Francine CHAREST, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Communication et Management | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Exploring the economic and social impacts of Industry 4.0.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Edward LORENZ, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Industry 4.0: Current Issues and Future Challenges.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Edward LORENZ, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    No summary available.
  • Insights into digitalisation of supply chains: current researches and future trends.

    AIM 2020, 25ème colloque de l'Association Information et Management | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Research on structural holes: an assessment on measurement issues.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Cecile CEZANNE, Delphine DAVID
    Journal of Economic Surveys | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Research on Structural Holes: An Assessment on Measurement Issues.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Cecile CEZANNE, Delphine DAVID
    Journal of Economic Surveys | 2020
    Social capital theory generally analyzes network structures by focusing on the connections between players. Yet, several authors suggest that the absence of relations in a network, known as "structural holes", is meaningful. The aim of this paper is to provide an exhaustive survey of the academic research dedicated to the study of structural holes and to develop a precise undertsanding of its main measurements. Based on a bibliometric approach, we identify a typology of practices, developments, and issues related to structural holes. We highlight a set of articles on the operationalization of structural holes and discuss the various measures they propose. We provide numerical examples emphasizing the respective advantages and limitations of the studied measures. Based on these results, we suggest a guide on how to use existing measures of structural holes according to the type of network, i.e. in simple and complex networks.
  • Participatory financing of renewable energy projects: insights into the business model and risks of a French platform.

    Clemence BOURCET, Cecile CEZANNE, Sandra RIGOT, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Innovations | 2019
    No summary available.
  • Participatory financing of renewable energy projects: insights into the business model and risks of a French platform.

    Clemence BOURCET, Cecile CEZANNE, Sandra RIGOT, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Innovations - Revue d’économie et de management de l'innovation | 2019
    No summary available.
  • The influence of internal corporate communication on employee engagement at work: insights from the 2011 response survey.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Sabrina LOUFRANI FEDIDA, Philippe LUU, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Revue de gestion des ressources humaines | 2019
    No summary available.
  • A Survey of the Literature on Human Capital-Intensive Firms: A Bibliometric Analysis.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Global Perspectives on Human Capital-Intensive Firms | 2019
    No summary available.
  • The influence of internal corporate communication on employee engagement at work: contributions from the REPONSE 2011 survey.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Sabrina LOUFRANI FEDIDA, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Philippe LUU
    Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines | 2019
    This article aims to better understand the influence of internal company communication, through its practices of dissemination, consultation and participation, on employee commitment at work. To do so, we used data from the 2010-2011 REPONSE survey conducted during the recent economic and social crisis. Based on a sample of 11,334 employees from 3,642 French establishments in the non-agricultural market sector, our results show a positive influence of internal company communication on employee commitment to work, both in terms of job satisfaction and adherence to company objectives. Our results also show that participative internal communication practices are levers for managing employee commitment at work. Therefore, we recommend that executives, HRDs, internal communication managers and managers, first of all, adopt a participative and people-centered internal communication. Secondly, to renew the traditional instrumental policy of internal communication by no longer thinking of it as isolated and sufficient, but systematically combined with interactionist practices, and in particular participative ones.
  • The influence of internal corporate communication on employee engagement at work: contributions from the REPONSE 2011 survey.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Sabrina LOUFRANI FEDIDA, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Philippe LUU
    Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines | 2019
    No summary available.
  • Renewable Energy Crowdfunding REC: Business Model and Risks of a French Platform.

    Clemence BOURCET, Cecile CEZANNE, Sandra RIGOT, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    35th GdRE International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Participatory financing of renewable energy projects: insights into the business model and risks of a French platform.

    Clemence BOURCET, Cecile CEZANNE, Sandra RIGOT, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    5ème Ecole d’Eté d’Economie Numérique (3EN) | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Participatory financing: what economic model for platforms dedicated to renewable energy? The case of Enerfip.

    Clemence BOURCET, Cecile CEZANNE, Sandra RIGOT, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    AÉS 2018, 38ème Journées de l’Association d’économie sociale | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Participatory financing of renewable energy projects: insights into the business model and risks of a French platform.

    Clemence BOURCET, Cecile CEZANNE, Sandra RIGOT, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    5ème Conférence annuelle de la FAERE (French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Disruptive logistics technologies: A look at digitization and digitalization.

    Big data et visibilité en ligne. Un enjeu pluridisciplinaire de l'économie numérique | 2018
    No summary available.
  • A survey of the literature on human capital-intensive firms.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Jackie KRAFFT, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Journal of Economic Surveys | 2018
    The aim of this paper is to provide an exhaustive survey of the academic research dedicated to the study of human capital‐intensive firms (HCIFs). We use a bibliometric analysis based on the three widely used databases (Econlit, Science Direct and Wiley) over the period 1992–2015. We are adapting a methodology developed in previous works to our specific object of study, and we generate a bottom‐up clustering on keywords, titles and abstracts. Our examination of the data sheds a light on five main clusters of works that respectively focus on (1) critical human resource management, (2) intellectual capital assessment, (3) funding risk and innovation (4) high‐skilled employees supporting economic development and (5) internal and external valuable social networks. In a critical appraisal of our results, we stress that the bibliometric analysis remains silent on how the different clusters are linked with each other. Based on our own appreciation of the HCIFs literature, we propose a further step in the identification of a central question linking up these clusters: a transversal review of the five clusters reveals that HCIFs appear as a network of specialized agents whose complementary human resources are decisive for the value‐creation process.
  • Supply chain management facing the challenge of massive data management.

    RIRL | 2018
    No summary available.
  • A Supply Chain Management View of Human Capital-Intensive Firms.

    15th European Network on the Economics of the Firm (ENEF) | 2018
    No summary available.
  • A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Human Capital Intensive Firms.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Global Perspectives on Human Capital-Intensive Firms | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Special issue on the theme "Logistics services and providers (LSP): time for renewal".

    Francois FULCONIS, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Logistique & Management | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Logistics and disruptive technologies in globalized production networks: the key role of massive data.

    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Logistics and disruptive technologies in global production networks: The key role of massive data.

    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2018
    No summary available.
  • The human dimension of Lean: the case of the PSA Group.

    While mass production was the dominant industrial paradigm in the 1980s, the Toyota Production System, the continuous improvement system exemplified at Toyota, attracted the interest of many researchers and industrialists seeking ways to improve the operational and financial performance of organizations. The objective of this thesis is to characterize the human dimension in production systems with a strong continuous improvement component in order to consider it during the adoption process. To do so, the thesis is oriented around three major contributions: the definition of the human dimension inherent to Lean, the historical evolution of the elements constituting this human dimension and its operationalization through the role of Lean experts in the adoption process.
  • A Supply Chain Management View of Human Capital-Intensive Firms.

    Global Perspectives on Human Capital-Intensive Firms, | 2018
    No summary available.
  • A survey of the literature on human capital-intensive firms.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Jackie KRAFFT, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Journal of Economic Surveys | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Global Perspectives on Human Capital-Intensive Firms.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    No summary available.
  • Human-Capital Intensive Firms and disruptive technologies: 3 cases in the logistics industry.

    9th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, IPAG Business School | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Special issue on the theme "Logistics services and providers (LSP): time for renewal".

    Francois FULCONIS, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Logistique & Management | 2018
    No summary available.
  • Competitive dynamics in network industries. "The case of the telecommunications sector in Algeria".

    Sihem ROUANE, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Boualem ALIOUAT, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Boualem ALIOUAT, Ulrike MAYRHOFER, Said YAMI, Djamila ELIDRISSI, Frederic PREVOT, Ulrike MAYRHOFER, Said YAMI
    Network industries such as telecommunications and energy have attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners for several decades. The liberalization of these industries, with their specific technical and economic characteristics, has caused a reconfiguration of the competitive landscape, which is now less stable and more uncertain. The question of strategic behaviors is thus posed with acuteness for the actors of the market who find themselves in a fluctuating environment. This thesis addresses this issue in order to understand the competitive interactions between actors in the network industries. The research question guiding this doctoral work can be summarized as follows: "How do competitive dynamics between actors evolve in an uncertain environment? ". Our research work provides elements of an answer to this question by studying the competitive dynamics that are established between actors in the telecommunications industry in Algeria, marked by institutional transitions of liberalization. We adopt a dynamic approach to analyze the actions and reactions between competitors, while taking into consideration the institutional changes they face. This approach shows, on the basis of empirical research results, how actors interact and try to shape their environment through their individual and/or collective strategies. These results make it possible to go beyond the deterministic and statistical vision of competitive interactions conveyed by classical approaches, thus inviting researchers and practitioners to grasp and consider the complexity and diversity of competitive strategies.
  • Global Ibntermediation and Logistic Services Providers.

    No summary available.
  • Digitization, digitalization and the logistics industry.

    colloque " Big Data et visibilité en ligne", | 2017
    No summary available.
  • Global Intermediation and Logistics Service Providers.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Cecile CEZANNE
    Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science | 2017
    This theoretical chapter discusses the role that intermediaries may play in direct distribution, supply\ud chains and supply networks. The first approach does not recognize benefits from striving for collaboration\ud and avoids intermediaries’ participation as much as possible. Conversely, the latter two emphasize the\ud creation of economic and efficiency values, through the alignment of goals and resources directed by\ud a stronger channel lead body. However, in the case of micro-producers, increasing these values is not\ud the only motivation. lifestyle or esteem factors may be, for example, more potent drivers. The research\ud extends multi-actor supply arrangements beyond chains and networks, by introducing the concept of\ud supply communities. This is illustrated through a vignette of a regional food marketing umbrella group\ud that plays an organizing role. Findings suggest intermediaries to act as triggers for collaboration. The\ud complementary nature of the community approach suggests a framework for micro-businesses to strengthen\ud their operations with existing traditional supply arrangements.
  • Global Intermediation and Logistics Service Providers.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    No summary available.
  • Intermediary and Intermediation.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science | 2017
    No summary available.
  • Rethinking Social Capital Measurement.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Delphine DAVID, Cecile CEZANNE
    Tools and Techniques for Economic Decision Analysis | 2017
    No summary available.
  • Conceptualization of logistics management, structure and evolution within logistics and supply chains. Bias through which knowledge negentropy could be a source of sustainable value co-creation.

    Alban QUILLAUD, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Richard CALVI, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Richard CALVI, Gilles PACHE, Dominique FERNANDEZ BONET, Djamila ELIDRISSI, Gilles PACHE, Dominique FERNANDEZ BONET
    Logistics is the backbone of the global economy. It is the physical realization of the commercial contract of purchase of goods. Paradoxically, it seems to suffer from a lack of conceptualization of its structures and determinants. Thus, supply chains are still often mistakenly confused with supply chains, and physical execution activities are often mixed up with management activities. As a result, poor diagnostics cause other problems, which in turn cause inefficiency, and thus a form of entropy. This entropy can be observed through multiple operational and financial symptoms, and it tends to grow with poorly controlled technological progress. What to do with this new data, this information, this knowledge? Do we have the necessary knowledge to make good use of it? This research work attempts to describe the microstructures of this industry sector. It highlights the key role of management, and the disruptive effects of technological progress on the "traditional" composition of its "production factors". He also tries to highlight a greater expected polarization of the labor factor around low and high cognitive human tasks. The legerdemain of knowledge, with the human as a support, would then be assimilated to a high performance of knowledge transfer, and could then become a source of co-creation of value.
  • Performance Indicators in the Wine Supply Chain Context: a Framework for Explanation and Action.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Francois FULCONIS, Gilles PACHE, Raymundo FORRADELLAS
    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Mechanisms for Managing Competencies in Project-Based Organizations: An Integrative Multilevel Analysis.

    Long Range Planning | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Wine industry Supply Chain: International Comparative Study using Social Networks Analysis.

    Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal | 2016
    The objective of this research is to understand the structure of the Wine industry Supply Chain (WSC) using a social network approach in order to identify an appropriate performance measure for the WSC. We adopt a generic approach based on supply chain modelling, and conduct social networks analysis (SNA) to obtain a representation of the WSC. To assess the structure of the WSC, we consider the triad, group and whole network levels. We also conduct a comparative study of the New World and Old World WSCs based on data from the Mendoza Region (Argentina) (MA) and South-Eastern France (SEF) wine regions. We propose a conceptual model of the WSC which is tested using qualitative data from MA and SEF.
  • Human Capital Intensive-Firms and 4PL: A Specific Partnership.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Journal of Economics and Management | 2016
    No summary available.
  • XIV. Christine M. Harland. Purchasing, supply chains and strategy: a holistic network approach.

    Nathalie MERMINOD, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Cecile CEZANNE
    Les Grands Auteurs en Logistique et Supply Chain Management | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Mechanisms for managing competencies in project-based organizations: an integrative multilevel analysis.

    Long Range Planning | 2016
    This paper focuses on examining the mechanisms used to manage competencies in Project Based Organizations (PBOs). We define project management competence (PMC) mechanisms as those used to identify and develop competencies of individuals, groups and organizations that will aid in the performance of project tasks. Based on a multiple case study within four PBOs operating in different sectors (IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Arkopharma and Temex), our results detail the three conceptual dimensions of PMC mechanisms (knowledge management, human resource management and strategy), and emphasize the links between these mechanisms and the three levels of PMC (individual, collective and organizational). We thus develop an integrative multilevel analysis of mechanisms for managing competencies in PBOs. This holistic insight does not exist in the literature and, for researchers and managers, fills an important gap to improve understanding of competence management in PBOs.
  • Performance indicators in the wine supply chain context: a framework for explanation and action.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Francois FULCONIS, Pache GILLES, Forradellas RAYMONDO
    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Christine Harland: Purchasing, Supply Chains and Strategy: A Holistic Approach to Networks.

    Nathalie MERMINOD, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Cecile CEZANNE
    Les grands auteurs en logistique et supply chain management | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Challenging the boundaries of modern firms: A service supply chain perspective.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Ve congrès de l’Association Française d’Economie Politique | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Viral marketing strategy on Facebook: Analysis, experiments and case studies on initial broadcast populations.

    Nasri MESSARRA, Anne MIONE, Anne MIONE, Christine BALAGUE, Gilles PACHE, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Gilles N GOALA, Frederic LE ROY, Christine BALAGUE, Gilles PACHE
    Marketing on online social networks is characterized by a loss of control compared to traditional marketing (Mangold & Faulds, 2009) for two main reasons. The first is that the balance of power is completely reversed on online social networks in favor of the consumer. The second is that platforms, particularly Facebook, make access to company-specific information, such as fan lists, limited, complicated, and in some cases impossible. This thesis comes at a time when there is a need for a strategic marketing foundation for the use of online social networks (Hoffman and Novak 2012). To that end, it attempts to reflect on and augment theoretical research on viral marketing on online social networks and, in particular the issue of optimizing the initial broadcast population. It also tries to suggest strategies to restore a certain balance for the benefit of the marketing strategist by showing him what means are available to him so that he can enjoy a certain freedom of maneuver between a platform stingy with information like Facebook and a public that considers companies as invaders on its own ground (Fournier & Avery, 2011). We choose the critical approach of Habermas (1985). In this paradigm, knowledge is based on empirical experiments and modification of the environment is accepted as a means to achieve knowledge. The analyses and experiments attempt to follow a theoretical and experimental path to a theoretical and practical reflection that would define strategies, means and methods for optimizing viral marketing on Facebook based on the control of the elements of viral marketing and, mainly, the selection or creation of initial broadcasting populations usable for this purpose. The development of this thesis is composed of several chapters written in English, one of which is in its third revision in the Journal of Advertising Research (JAR) and four of which have been the subject of papers at international conferences (Euras, 2012. INSNA, 2014. ISMS, 2015) and at the Paris-Dauphine strategy workshop (2014). In this thesis, we have asked several questions regarding the control of viral marketing elements on Facebook and, in particular, the optimization of initial broadcast populations and we believe we have found innovative and relevant answers to these questions. We begin with a general reflection on social network research and, in particular, the ethics of Internet research and online social networks. We then address the issue of reconstructing the social graphs of fans, and analyze the efficiency and inefficiency of fake profiles in the context of Facebook marketing. We also tackle negative word-of-mouth in the context of an optimized initial broadcast population, and the discovery of bridges over structural holes between two opposing political camps as a theoretically influential seeding population. The experiments carried out lead to a reflection on the question of the media available on Facebook (Pages, Groups or Profiles) in the case of marketing strategies in general and viral marketing strategies in particular. The last chapter applies the results obtained by taking charge of a viral marketing campaign from zero time to success. This Personal Branding experiment, documented and analyzed, and without bias since it takes place only on Facebook without any advertising, shows concretely the effectiveness of the viral marketing strategy defined from the results, reflections and theoretical analyses of this thesis.
  • Redefining the boundaries of the firm: the role of 4PLs.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    The International Journal of Logistics Management | 2015
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the specific valuable partnership between human capital-intensive firms (HCIFs) and fourth-party logistics (4PLs), and in particular, to explore the way boundaries of HCIFs are changing as a consequence of the growing importance of 4PLs. Design/methodology/approach – The paper represents the viewpoints of the authors as far as the role of 4PLs in the changing boundaries of HCIFs is concerned. It is based on a literature review, especially on the analysis of the recent works on organizational boundaries developed by Garicano, Santos and their co-authors. It establishes the prerequisites on the actors of the phenomenon and provides a knowledge-based conceptual framework to understand their dynamic relationship. Findings – The authors show that the relationship between a HCIF and a 4PL represents a balance of power between two partners based on the co-specialized human capital provided by each of them. From four main propositions, the authors explain that the.
  • Where and When to optimize the Wine Supply Chain in the sustainability aspects - Comparative analysis for the Regions of the South-East of France and Mendoza.

    9th Annual AAWE Conference
 (American Association of Wine Economists), | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Employee engagement and social performance of French companies.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Ve congrès de l’Association Française d’Economie Politique | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Logistics intermediation and supply chain management: new responsibilities for logistics service providers?

    Francois FULCONIS, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Commerce inter-entreprises : les enjeux de l'intermédiation | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Redefining the Boundaries of the Firm: the Role of 4PLs.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    International Journal of Logistics Management, The | 2015
    No summary available.
  • A bibliometric analysis of Research on 4PL.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Cecile CEZANNE
    International Journal of Transport Economics | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Where and when to optimize the Wine Supply Chain in the sustainability aspects – A comparative analysis of South-East of France and Mendoza regions in Argentina.

    Ricardo PALMA, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Francois FULCONIS, Raymundo FORRADELLAS
    9th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE) | 2015
    No summary available.
  • Human-capital intensive firms and the creation of symbolic value.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Timisoara Journal of Economics and business | 2014
    No summary available.
  • The entry of logistics service provider (LSP) into the wine industry supply chain.

    Francois FULCONIS, Didier BEDE, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Joice de almeira GOES, Gilles PACHE, Raymundo FORRADELAS
    BIO Web of Conferences | 2014
    The purpose of this paper is to study the wine industry supply chain (WSC) organization from a social network approach, with an emphasis on the role of logistics service providers (LSP) could hold in the flow monitoring. We try to understand if LSP can be a substitute to traditional actors for intermediation management. This substitution phenomenon must take account of the wine industry culture that may constitute an obstruction or an accelerator for the development of this activity. We present a conceptual model of the WSC, and we discuss the possible future role of the LSP. This paper introduces a framework contributing to understand worldwide WSC organization, mapping tools and strategies to assess the reasons of their evolution. The cultural impact is underlined in this type of industry showing it could present a boundary to market access for LSP.
  • Human Capital-Intensive Firms and Symbolic Value Creation.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Timisoara Journal of Economics and Business | 2014
    The aim of this paper is to study the process of symbolic value creation of human capital-intensive firms. Human capital is a critical resource for firms’ activities. Nevertheless, this dimension is often obscured by industrial economists. In the light of critical resource theory, we analyze how taking into account the inalienable and inimitable nature of specific human capital entails a reconsideration of the role and boundaries of the firm. We show that the firm seeks to coordinate the specialization of its key partners within the frame of its economic boundaries to ensure the long-term optimization of its potential of value. Therefore, the value of the firm depends on all the resources that the firm coordinates. Then we focus on the way HCIF can create different values. We suggest that the firm builds its competitive advantage on different forms of values, in particular the symbolic value incorporated in human capital. Finally, on the basis of these considerations, we identify the wealth included in the critical resources of the firm and to bring to light the process of symbolic value creation associated with it. We suggest that the firm is the value creating entity and the customer both recognizes and derives the value created from whatever it is that the firm provides. We propose a definition of this value and a schema of its creation process based on management works attempts. We conclude by proposing paths of research that could fruitfully be explored to further develop this new subject.
  • The entry of logistics service provider (LSP) into the wine industry supply chain.

    Francois FULCONIS, Didier BEDE, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Joice DE ALMEIRA GOES, Gilles PACHE, Raymundo FORRADELAS
    7th World Congress of Vine and Wine Mendoza | 2014
    No summary available.
  • Knowledge management in project-based organizations: an investigation into mechanisms.

    Journal of Modern Project Management | 2014
    No summary available.
  • Human capital, fourth-party logistics, and boundaries of the firm.

    Cecile CEZANNE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the changing boundaries of human-capital-intensive firms resulting from the increasingly important role played by Fourth Party Logistics in their productive activity. The specific relationships between these partners are at the origin of a real evolution in ways of studying interfirm coordination and observing the resulting extension of the boundaries of the firm. We show that traditional approaches to the firm are unsuitable for investigating these strong and complex links. Moreover, we suggest that new theories of the boundaries of firms provide relevant elements for understanding these modern forms of collaboration.
  • Knowledge management in project-based organizations: an investigation into mechanisms.

    Journal of Modern Project Management | 2014
    In a context of the project-based organization's (PBO) reinforcement, the question of knowledge management has become an important issue for companies as well as for research in management. This paper focuses on highlighting and examining the mechanisms that are used to manage knowledge together with projects. Our research is based on a qualitative approach centered on a multiple case study in four PBOs operating in different sectors: IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Arkopharma, and Temex. The analysis of the four case studies enables us to identify and discuss the different mechanisms underlying knowledge management in PBOs. The paper is original because it investigates the framework of mechanisms to improve the understanding of knowledge management in PBOs.
  • Towards a classification of Fourth Party Logistics (4PL).

    Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management | 2013
    Over just a few years, the outsourcing of logistic functions to various types of logistics services providers (LSPs) has become central to the organization of companies and markets. In this connection, both theorists and practitioners usually present LSPs in terms of classifications, describing their development with the help of representative statistics. However, one may reasonably wonder about the origin of these classifications and the credibility of the statistics, since LSP are not clearly identified in the nomenclatures of economic activities. Then, how to characterize the fourth party logistics (4PL) community? Our aim is to propose a complete analysis of the 4PLs community based on an empirical study on all logistic service providers operating in France. Our methodology consists in the triangulation of information obtained from three studies (based on data contained in the DIANE database, and on data extracted from selected businesses websites).The results we found for the French 4PL community are also representative of the global 4PL, because our methodology is based on three studies which are therefore representative, reproducible and transferable to other countries. We propose a taxonomy and a new definition that differs from the traditional definition of Accenture.
  • Extent of share capital: a proposal for operational measures.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Delphine DAVID, Cecile CEZANNE
    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2013
    The objective of this article is, on the one hand, to review the debates on the notion of social capital and, in particular, on its measurement and, on the other hand, to show that it is possible to provide researchers and managers with an operational tool to measure social capital in a fine-tuned and open source manner. We present here the stakes of social capital in the light of economic and managerial issues and the available tools, highlighting their shortcomings. We also discuss the existing measures of social capital and their limitations and propose an operational measure, based on two concepts, which we call "relational strength" and "relational potential", that allow actors to position themselves within their social universe.
  • Extent of share capital: A proposal for operational measures.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Delphine DAVID, Cecile CEZANNE
    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2013
    The objective of this article is, on the one hand, to review the debates on the notion of social capital and, in particular, on its measurement and, on the other hand, to show that it is possible to provide researchers and managers with an operational tool to measure social capital in a fine-tuned and open source manner. We present here the stakes of social capital in the light of economic and managerial issues and the available tools, highlighting their shortcomings. We also discuss the existing measures of social capital and their limitations and propose an operational measure, based on two concepts, which we call "relational strength" and "relational potential", that allow actors to position themselves within their social universe.
  • The role of the network of influence in the internationalization of "Born Globals".

    Ekaterina PUKHLYAKOVA, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Djamila ELIDRISSI, Djamila ELIDRISSI, Ulrike MAYRHOFER, Pierre xavier MESCHI, Mohamed BAYAD, Ulrike MAYRHOFER, Pierre xavier MESCHI
    This thesis deals with the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are globalized from their birth or shortly thereafter, and named in the Anglo-Saxon literature "Born Globals". More specifically, our research focuses on the approach describing the relations of "Born Globals" with the network of influence developed in the territory where the companies are located. Beyond the multiple forms of networks that accompany companies in their internationalization process (relational, informal, personal and territorial), we believe that the network of influence plays a role in the internationalization of these SMEs. "What is the role of the network of influence in the internationalization of "Born Globals"?" To answer this question, we conducted a study among the "Born Globals" located in the Kaluga region of Russia.The results of our research allow us to define the main characteristics of the network of influence (the actors, the links between them and the resources they share with the companies) in the internationalization of the "Born Globals", to map this network in order to appreciate the role of each one and to define the stages of the integration of the "Born Globals" through the prism of this network on a given territory. These elements can be used by theorists from the point of view of the different stages highlighted, by the managers of Born Globals during their internationalization in other countries and finally by public authorities seeking to attract foreign investors and improve their services.
  • Taking Logistics Service Providers into Account in Industrial Classifications.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Outsourcing Management for Supply Chain Operations and Logistics Services, | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Extent of share capital: a proposal for operational measures.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Delphine DAVID, Cecile CEZANNE
    Revue d'économie industrielle | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Taking Logistics Service Providers into Account in Industrial Classifications.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Organizational architecture of a logistics platform and competitiveness: the case of the large maritime port of Marseille.

    Didier BEDE, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Olivier MEIER
    The literature on supply chain management is inseparable from a profound change in the relationships between logistics actors. Within the literature on strategic management and logistics, and as a localized and inter-organizational activity at the interface of many stakeholders, multimodal logistics platforms appear as an essential point of convergence for the competitiveness of companies and territories. In this perspective, we seek to understand the reality of the articulation between the organizational architecture of a multimodal logistics platform and its ex-ante competitiveness. To answer our research question, our thesis is based on an exploratory qualitative approach and a methodology using an illustrative case study. The organizations involved in the competitiveness of the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille constitute the empirical scope of this research. The results of our research allow us to improve our understanding of port logistics networks.
  • Contribution of management consultants to value creation: the case of consulting in Tunisia.

    Alia AMMAR, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Chokri MAMOGHLI
    The need for management consultants is a unifying point between theorists, practitioners, users of consulting and institutional actors. The problem lies in the fact that it is difficult to identify with precision the appropriate concepts and measures to evaluate the contributions of management consultants. In order to measure the contribution of management consultants, we proceeded to identify the type of contributions that can be made by them and the key success factors of the missions related to the consultant (or team of consultants) and the client (the client-system in general), and to set up measures that provide information on the double creation of value that can be achieved. The latter have been validated with a population of consultants and clients in the context of change management missions (such as assistance missions for the implementation of an information system) in Tunisia.
  • Corporate social responsibility tested against the facts: a contribution to the study and understanding of a system of contagion: from the epiphenomenon to the reference.

    Valerie PAONE, Jean KLEIN, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    The purpose of this research is to contribute to the study and understanding of the widespread adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies, and the diffusion of the concept within transnational corporations. We have followed the work of Miles (1987) on the degree of global exposure, completed and tested by Weber and Wasieleski (2003). The degree of global exposure (DEG) according to Miles (1987) makes it possible to explain the social response made by the company, because it establishes the level of awareness of the link between the company and its environment. It would influence the response and the nature of the manager's response. Miles (1987) proposes a mapping tool that we have developed and deepened in order to establish a tool for evaluating and predicting the variability of the DEG. From a qualimetric approach (Boje 1988), we sought to explain and demonstrate a pathway that completes the understanding of the modalities of adherence to CSR policies, and its generalized diffusion. To this end, our work is divided into three parts. The first part studies the conditions of existence and the modalities of emergence of CSR by mobilizing the necessary conceptual contributions centered on Management Sciences. The second part develops the fracture lines and contradictions that remain in the understanding of the generalized interest of transnational corporations. Then, after having studied the processes of choice of large companies based on the influence of the environment and competition, we present the model of Miles (1987), and the works that have tested it. This will allow us to justify and present our mapping tool. The third part was devoted to the empirical study. At the end of the different steps and the statistical tests carried out, we propose a new mapping of the DEG, as well as a decision support tool for transnational corporations. The proposed tool and the results obtained allowed us to consider the possibility of a break in the voluntary membership mode.
  • The process of emergence of collective intelligence in work teams: Proposal of a model. Four case studies at TEMEX.

    Olfa ZAIBET, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    The main objective of this research is to understand the complexity of the concept of collective intelligence and to appreciate all its implications for management sciences. In order to clarify this concept which is currently developing in the field of management, it is based on the following questioning: How can we understand and operationalize the concept of collective intelligence by improving the efficiency of work teams within organizations? We will identify and understand the process of emergence of collective intelligence in work teams, in order to better manage them and thus improve their efficiency. We propose to reconsider this concept by situating it in the evolution of systemic thinking in management and by enriching it with the contributions of complexity sciences. Moreover, collective intelligence is part of a complex economic and social context that must be taken into account. We also question its mechanisms in order to elaborate a set of proposals for the global management of work teams. This theoretical construction leads to a new definition of collective intelligence and to a conceptual model based on the paradigm of change, interaction, collaboration and human creativity. This model includes the dimensions, components and major capacities of collective intelligence in work teams and its effects on collective performance. To answer this research problem, a longitudinal explanatory case study is considered. This approach is declined in the observation of four collective work teams within the TEMEX company. After observing these teams, the results obtained allow us to refine the initially proposed model by making it more dynamic and to concretely understand the interactions at the heart of the latter. Our research leads to the legitimacy of the concept of collective intelligence in Management Sciences.
  • Information and communication technologies in tourism companies in the Maritime Alps: organizational and strategic implications.

    Benedicte ALDEBERT, Jacques SPINDLER, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    Tourism is a dynamic sector in constant metamorphosis and has been undergoing profound changes over the last ten years, partly as a result of the development of new information distribution systems. Few studies have focused on the analysis of innovations resulting from the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in tourism companies. The purpose of our work is therefore to better understand the relationship between the technological changes resulting from ICT and the organizational changes that tourism businesses undertake in order to innovate. The problematic that this research aims to answer is: what are the favorable conditions for the implementation of ICT in tourism enterprises and the changes that it induces? This question led us to adopt a multi-method approach which, within a positivist framework, consisted in combining a quantitative and a qualitative analysis. The former was based on a statistical analysis of 300 tourism companies in the Alpes Maritimes, while the latter consisted of a single case study. This research contributes to the understanding of the relationship between tourism organizations and ICT and allows a better consideration of the key success factors of tourism companies in order to create innovation.
  • Cooperation partners in research and development in the life sciences.

    Katia ANGUE, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    No summary available.
  • Competency management and project-based organization: an emphasis on their articulation. Qualitative analysis of four multi-sectoral cases.

    Sabrina LOUFRANI, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    In a context of strengthening project-based organizations, the question of skills management is becoming a key issue for companies as well as for research in management sciences. For firms, it is a question of jointly managing the development of skills and the development of innovative products and services. If the literature recognizes the necessity of the articulation between competency management and project-based organization, it remains limited as to the specification of its reality. The objective of this research is, therefore, to understand how companies effectively manage this articulation. Our research is based on a qualitative approach, centered on a multiple case study, conducted within four companies organized by projects and evolving in different sectors (IBM, HEWLETT-PACKARD, ARKOPHARMA and TEMEX). The analysis of our four cases, compared to the existing literature, highlights three main results. First, functional and integration competencies are essential competencies on which project-based companies must focus in terms of management and development. Secondly, it appears that the articulation between skills management and project-based organization is structured around three key dimensions: knowledge management, human resources management and strategy. Finally, we propose a ternary typology of the actors involved in the joint management of skills and projects, distinguishing between "strategists", "organizers" and "recipients". In the end, the thesis that we defend is that the joint management of competences and projects forces us to leave the reference framework of projects, and therefore to advocate a global approach, at the level of the company.
  • The implementation of a managerial innovation in management accounting.

    Bertrand joseph MASQUEFA, Robert TELLER, Laurence SAGLIETTO
    The purpose of this thesis is to study the implementation of an accounting and management control system based on an action research within the R&D center of a multinational company. The objective is to describe and understand how management accounting systems are implemented and explain why these systems are difficult to change. This research conceptualizes the innovation diffusion process through social network analysis. This study generates a set of properties to establish a conceptual framework for the implementation of administrative innovations in management accounting. This framework applies when the change envisaged is locally driven, controversial and cross-cutting. The difficulty of implementing management accounting systems depends on the nature of the control activity performed by controllers and management accountants and their involvement in the company's operational activities.
  • From information technology integration to integrated organization: the SAP R/3 case in Schneider Automation.

    Philippe NORIGEON, Laurence SAGLIETTO, Robert TELLER
    The globalization of exchanges imposes a globalization of the company's activities and therefore of the information. NICTs such as SAP R/3 are powerful means of integrating information but present major risks of dysfunction for organizations that are not prepared for these technological changes. The difficulties encountered show that these changes are not completely mastered by software package suppliers, consulting firms and companies. Beyond the integrated information system, organizational integration must be built through coherent action systems, cooperative networks of actors, and communities authentically constituted around values that give meaning to collective action. This need for social re-foundation renders obsolete the classic visions of organization calling for new logics of corporate management generated by the shift from the financial paradigm to the knowledge paradigm.
  • The transfer of organizational specificities of Japanese firms into Japanese-American joint ventures established in the United States.

    Laurence SAGLIETTO, Michel RAINELLI
    For several years, the literature on strategic management of firms has focused on alliances and on the variables that contribute to the performance of Japanese firms. The research presented in this thesis aims to provide some answers on the transferability of the organizational specificities of Japanese firms, in the context of Japanese-American joint ventures established in the United States. Indeed, joint ventures represent a hybrid form of organization, a privileged place of interaction between two different management modes. They thus appear to be the most suitable place to host this type of transfer. We propose a study of three key concepts and their interactions (the organizational specificities of Japanese firms, the notion of transferability and Japanese-American joint-ventures in the United States), using theoretical approaches and a questionnaire survey. Based on the statistical processing of the survey, we deduce a reading grid called "hybrid model of adoption-creation", which allows us to interpret the different types of transfers and their nature.
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