
Last modification: 02/28/2023

Being part of the Louis Bachelier Network is a way to gaining access to, working with and acquiring new knowledge from data.

The various channels include:

This research network aims to promote and enrich scientific research on commercial real estate at the French and European level.

This project arose from the observation that although commercial real estate is a major asset class which is important for investors (institutional investors, unlisted investment funds, listed real estate companies, developers, etc.), scientific research on this topic is still very limited, particularly in France.

Among ReFinE’s main objectives is the provision of data for the benefit of network researchers.


is a digital map provided by Finance for Tomorrow and the Louis Bachelier Institute, in collaboration with FIR (Forum for Responsible Investment). The project aims to enhance the quality of the French ecosystem of research in green and sustainable finance and make it more accessible to finance professionals, researchers and students.


  • For more information, please contact Béatrice Gabor, Responsible of GSF & event communication.

Selected in 2011, the Historical Financial Data project (D-FIH) is supported by PSE-Paris School of Economics, in partnership with the TGIR PROGEDO, the Institut Louis Bachelier and the financial data aggregator IODS. The Equipex D-FIH aims to construct a database listing bimonthly prices of securities on French stock exchanges from 1796 to 1977, together with all the information needed to create homogeneous price series and the main information on issuers of these securities.


  • For more information, please contact ILB research project coordinator Samia Brisson

Supported by the Institut Louis Bachelier and the CNRS EUROFIDAI laboratory, the European High-Frequency Financial Data Base (BEDOFIH) project aims to create a high-frequency European financial database, allowing very precise analysis of the dynamics of high-speed European financial markets.


  • For more information, please contact ILB research project coordinator Samia Brisson