
Risk analysis in automobile insurance: new approaches.

Assurance automobile, Asymmetry of information, Asymétrie d'information, Car insurance, Claims, Contract theory, Econometric models, France, Insurance, Prime pure, Pure premium, Risk, Risk assessment, Risque, Risques d'accidents de la route -- Modèles économétriques, Sinistralité, Théorie des contrats, Traffic accidents

Transport facing the challenge of the energy transition. Explorations between past and future, technology and sobriety, acceleration and slowing down.

CO2 emissions, Demande de transport, Emissions de CO2, Energy transition, France, Speed, Transition énergétique, Transport, Transport demand, Vitesse

ANCRE's energy transition scenarios.


Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in France.

Climate policy, Decarbonization, Décarbonisation, France, Politique climatique, Prospective, Scenario

The transition of the French electricity system to 2030: An exploratory analysis of issues and trajectories.

France, Prospective, Scénario, Système électrique

Uncertainty management and the dynamic adjustment of deep decarbonization pathways.

Decarbonization strategy, Dynamic adaptive pathways, France, Germany, Mitigation scenarios

Stimulating fuelwood consumption through public policies: An assessment of economic and resource impacts based on the French Forest Sector Model.

Alternative energy, Biomass, Biomass burning, Climate change, Commerce, Energy policy, Forest resources, Forestry, France, French forests, Fuel consumption, Fuelwood, Fuelwood consumption, Policy options, Renewable Resources, Renewable energies, Renewable energy, Renewable resource, Seasonal Variation, Trade balance, Trade-off, Wood products

Adaptation to climate change: strategic issues to face for the French wine industry.

Adaptation, Arôme, Azote, Changement climatique, Cinétique de fermentation, Climate Change, France, Modélisation, Nutriment, Oenologie, Oxygène, Température, Vin, Vinification, Wine Industry

CLIMATE POLICY BETWEEN NATIONAL CHOICES AND GLOBAL SCENARIOS Implications of cognitive and ethical positioning.

Changement climatique, Choix nationaux, Dommages climatiques, France, Règle d’Hotelling, Scénarios climatiques mondiaux, Trajectoires d’émissions, Valeur du carbone, Éthique climatique

Can France achieve the Factor 4 objective? An assessment using a stylized energy-economy model.

Energie-économie, Facteur 4, France

The Impacts of Variable Renewable Production and Market Coupling on the Convergence of French and German Electricity Prices.

Electricity price convergence, France, Germany, Intermittency, Market coupling, Renewable energies

Estimation of the price elasticity of electrical demand in France.

Consommation, Consommation d'énergie, France, Services de l'électricité, Tarifs, Électricité