
Migrant inventors and the technological advantage of nations.

Innovation, Knowledge, Migration, Patent, Technology

A survey of the literature on human capital-intensive firms.

Bibliometric analysis, Critical appraisal, Firms, Human capital, Knowledge, Survey

Collectives that produce knowledge for action: feedback on legume production in Burgundy-Franche-Comté.

Apprentissages, Change, Changement, Cognitive Ressources, Collectifs de pairs, Innovation, Knowledge, Learning, Peer groups, Practices, Pratiques, Ressources cognitives, Savoirs

Collectives for exchanging practices to green agriculture: shedding light on the difficulties of a voluntary approach.

Agroecology, Agroécologie, Collectifs, Collectives, Confiance, Confidence, Innovation, Knowledge, Practices, Pratiques, Savoirs

“Artificial intelligence”: Which services, which applications, which results and which development today in clinical research? Which impact on the quality of care? Which recommendations?

AI, Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Clinical research, Clinical trials, Data, Governance, Interdisciplinary, Interoperability, Knowledge, Real-life studies, Training

Social networks, new collaborators in care.

E-patient, Health, Information, Knowledge, Nursing practices, Pratiques soignantes, Réseaux sociaux, Santé, Savoir, Social networks

Health information provision, health knowledge and health behaviours: Evidence from breast cancer screening.

Breast cancer, Eurobarometer, Health behaviour, Information, Knowledge, Mammography, Mediation analysis

The factories of "social peace". Actors and stakes of the social regulation (Grenoble, 1842-1938).

Catholicisme social, Entreprises, Firms, Friendly societies, Knowledge, Microhistoire, Microhistory, Municipality, Municipalité, Mutualité, Protection sociale, Regulation, Régulation, Savoir-faire populaire, Social Catholicism, Social protection, Sociétés de secours mutuels

The factories of "social peace": actors and issues of social regulation (Grenoble, 1842-1938).

Catholicisme social, Entreprises, Firms, Friendly societies, Knowledge, Microhistoire, Microhistory, Mutualité, Prévoyance et protection sociale, Savoirs et savoir-Faire, Social catholicisme, Social protection