LABEX Louis Bachelier

Last modification: 08/06/2024

LABEX Louis Bachelier


LABEX FCD is a French network research centre that brings together the best research teams in mathematics, economics and management operating within the Research Chairs and Research Initiatives affiliated to the Risk Foundation (FdR), the Institut Europlace de Finance (IEF) and the Dauphine Foundation.

The mission of LABEX FCD is threefold:

  • To make economic and financial phenomena intelligible. This involves describing them, understanding their chronology, detecting interdependencies, and preparing an analysis for action.
  • To integrate into the proposals of the financial sector (products, practices, remuneration, institutions, regulations) a set of general principles, such as merit, responsibility, equity, and respect for future generations and the environment.
  • To confer academic legitimacy on the study of finance by showing that this field of application successfully combines the strengths of mathematicians, managers, economists and legal experts.

The calendar (FR) can be downloaded here.

With a budget of €150,000 a year, the Labex Louis Bachelier seed fund aims to facilitate fund raising for:

  • The creation of new research programmes (Chairs and Research Initiatives)
  • Increasing the budget of Research Initiatives with a view to their becoming Research Chairs (funding from €250,000 to €300,000).

Each project validated by the Scientific Directory will receive the sum of €75,000 over a period of 12 months. A third of this sum, €25,000, will be used during the year for promotional activities directed at potential financial partners. The remaining  €50,000 will be awarded in the event of successful fundraising, subject to it being in the same year. In the event of unsuccessful fundraising, the remaining amount will be allocated to another project.

The application form can be downloaded here.

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Applications may can be filed throughout the year.

Within the scope of labelled research programmes, additional funding of up to €5,000 is may be provided by the FCD LABEX for the organization of symposiums, conferences and summer schools directly pertaining to its research axes.

The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • The organizing committee must have several researchers attached to the ILB programme.
  • A scientific committee must be formed and will include recognized external members.
  • A call for papers must be issued and the opportunity of attending the conference must be ensured.

Particular attention will be paid to conferences that are part of the recurring international circuit of reference conferences, as well as conferences that encourage the participation of young people and women.

Beneficiaries of funding undertake to send a financial and scientific report (final programme, participation, etc.) shortly after the event

The application form can be downloaded here.

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Applications may can be filed throughout the year, at least 3 months before the event

The aim of this funding of €5,000 euros is to facilitate the hosting of foreign researchers within the framework of labelled FCD LABEX research programmes.

The application form can be downloaded here.

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Applications must be submitted no later than 3 months before the date of the event:

Call on April 2, 2024 for submission on May 31, 2024

The purpose of the Louis Bachelier LABEX mobility assistance is to help researchers registered in one of the partner institutions through financial support for a research project abroad (post doc, sabbatical year or semester, etc.).

A sum of between €5,000 and €10,000 is awarded to each of the candidates selected.

In addition to the application form downloadable here, all files must contain:

  • The applicant’s CV
  • A cover letter
  • A letter of recommendation from the research programme holder

Applications should be sent to

Applications must be sent at least 3 months before the research project abroad.

The recipient must be a member of one of the research programmes labelled LABEX FCD and must meet the criteria defined by the Scientific Directory:

    1. Mobility (thesis and post-doctorate done in different universities)
    2. Preference for applicants with a PhD obtained in another country
    3. Excellence (with high potential for publication in Tier 1 journals)

The duration of the contract is between 18 and 24 months. The proposed grant is included in a co-financing process with the relevant research programme.

In addition to the application form (downloadable here) all applications must include the following:

  • The candidate’s CV
  • A letter of recommendation from the Director of the host laboratory
  • A letter of recommendation from the Research Director

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Applications must be sent at least 3 months before the start of the contract.


Publications for the Opinions et Débats series will be an original article of about thirty pages, authored by at least one individual from the academic institutions of the FCD LABEX, written in English or French. It will include a summary of recent work on the topic addressed and will serve  to provide recommendations for economic or financial policy. Consequently the article submitted must be distinct from a survey or a research paper.

The article should address two types of readership:

  • Specialists for whom it may serve as a technology look-out.
  • A wider audience initially wanting to understand the arguments and recommendations.

To facilitate this dual level of reading, it is recommended that the arguments and recommendations be placed in boxes in the text.

The text should include illustrations (figures, diagrams, etc.) together with a few lines of explanation and interpretation.

All requests for publication must include the following elements:

  • Project title
  • Half-page summary on the issues addressed
  • Bibliography of the author
  • A literature review of the project
  • Examples of recommendations
  • List of experts collaborating on the project
  • Date on which a final version of the project will be transmitted

A sum of €10,000 euros is available for the implementation of this editorial project.

Applications are issued on:

Principal: Call on December 4, 2023 for submission on February 2, 2024
Secondary: Call on March 4, 2024 for submission on May 3, 2024

The application form can be downloaded here.

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