
The determinants of child labor in Côte d'Ivoire from 1985 to 2002: exploitation, poverty, or institutional imbalances? Multiple forms of dependence.

Complémentarité au travail des femmes, Conditions de travail - Travail dangeureux, Côte d'Ivoire, Institutions, Inégalité de genre, Pauvreté, Travail des enfants

What are the processes that allow societal models of access to goods and services (social business and BOP) to constitute levers of strategic renewal of the company? The case of a multinational agribusiness company.

Base de la pyramide (BOP), Base or the pyramid (BOP), Corporate Social Responsability (CSR), Emerging markets, Inovation inversée, Marchés émergents, Pauvreté, Poverty, Renouveau stratégique, Renouveau stratégique inversé, Responsabilité sociétale des Entreprises (RSE), Reverse innovation, Reverse renewal, Social business, Strategic renewal

Essay on pensions: poverty, inequality and equity.

Disposable income, Inequality, Inégalité, Parametric reform, Pauvreté, Pensions publiques, Poverty, Public pensions, Revenus disponibles, Réforme paramétrique

Differential mortality and poverty by age.

Mortalité différentielle, Pauvreté

Analysis of the Optimal Choice of Pension System in Palestine.

Development, Développement, Middle East, Modèle PROST, Moyen Orient, PROST Model, Palestine, Pauvreté, Poverty, Retirement, Retraite, Social Security Systems, Sécurité sociale

Preventing poverty through employment, education and mobility.

Education, France, Pauvreté, Politiques publiques

Preventing poverty through employment, education and mobility.

Education, France, Pauvreté, Politiques publiques

Remittances and poverty: the case of the Comoros.

Bénéficiaires, Comores, Comoros, Envoi des fonds, Inequalities, Inégalités, Migrants, Pauvreté, Poverty, Recipients, Remittances