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  • 1996 - 2021
    Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale
  • 2012 - 2018
    Centre lillois d'études et de recherches sociologiques et économiques
  • 2015 - 2016
    Laboratoire recherche sur l'industrie et l'innovation
  • 2015 - 2016
    Centre national de la recherche scientifique
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2016
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2008
  • Territorial development process based on the circular economy: a systematic literature review.

    European Planning Studies | 2021
    No summary available.
  • Industrial ecology and sustainable territorial development: the role of services.

    No summary available.
  • Entrepreneurial Behavior and Eco-Innovation.

    Blandine LAPERCHE
    Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Innovation Systems and Entrepreneurship.

    Dimitri UZUNIDIS, Blandine LAPERCHE
    Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Innovative Milieu as a Driving Force of Innovative Entrepreneurship.

    Dimitri UZUNIDIS, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Blandine LAPERCHE
    Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Analysis of the technological trajectory based on patents: the Sanofi group's "vaccine" technical system.

    Colloque RRI « Imaginer le futur à partir du passé » | 2020
    No summary available.
  • Entrepreneur’s “Resource Potential,” Innovation and Networks.

    Dimitri UZUNIDIS, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Blandine LAPERCHE
    Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2020
    No summary available.
  • The Knowledge Capital of the Network Firm: Socialization Versus Business Appropriation of Scientific Work.

    Blandine LAPERCHE, Dimitri UZUNIDIS
    Arts, Research, Innovation and Society | 2019
    No summary available.
  • Emerging technology and business intelligence: how to respond to the specific innovation issues of the start-up Poietis.

    Lydie PILORGET, Vincent FRIGANT, Olivier BOUBA OLGA, Vincent FRIGANT, Olivier BOUBA OLGA, Blandine LAPERCHE, Damien TALBOT, Marie laetitia CORIS, Fabien GUILLEMOT, Blandine LAPERCHE, Damien TALBOT
    The objective of this thesis is to set up a business intelligence process within a start-up company proposing an emerging technology. In this case study, we have highlighted a double emergence: the new environment and the company under construction. First, we mobilize an original analytical framework for the business intelligence process: the TIS - Technological Innovation Systems. This reading grid proposes a dynamic analysis of the innovation system of the company through the structure and the interactions in which the actors of the system take part. In a second step, we discuss the interest of considering the intrinsic elements of the start-up for the implementation of a business intelligence process. Our understanding of the specific elements of the start-up, such as its adhocratic structure, allowed us to implement tools consistent with the importance of the human dimension and the resources that the company can mobilize. We organized the creation of knowledge from the information cycle, proposed a first evaluation of the economic intelligence process in place and deduced the envisaged extensions. In a fourth step, we focused on the use of patents to understand our technological domain. Carried out in a research-action approach (within the framework of a CIFRE agreement), this thesis presents the experimentation of our business intelligence method within Poietis, a French bioprinting start-up.
  • Large Firms’ Knowledge Capital and Innovation Networks.

    Blandine LAPERCHE
    Journal of the Knowledge Economy | 2016
    No summary available.
  • The issue of change in industrial structures and business strategies.

    Nadine LEVRATTO, Blandine LAPERCHE
    Journal of Innovation Economics & Management | 2016
    No summary available.
  • General presentation.

    Nadine LEVRATTO, Blandine LAPERCHE
    Journal of Innovation Economics | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Industrial ecology and sustainable territorial development : the role of services.

    Blandine LAPERCHE, Celine merlin BROGNIART, Antje BURMEISTER, Fedoua KASMI
    Marché et organisations | 2016
    No summary available.
  • Determinants of technological innovation on agricultural biomass: the case of Jatropha curcas in Burkina Faso.

    Salif DERRA, Ludovic TEMPLE, Idrissa OUEDRAOGO, Joel BLIN, Etienne MONTAIGNE, Jean jacques GABAS, Blandine LAPERCHE
    The development of biofuels supported by the international community has been booming since the early 2000s on a global scale to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, address the energy concerns of industrial countries and reduce energy poverty in the South. This strategy is facing several controversies regarding the socio-economic impacts of biofuels and the technological trajectories best suited to the development needs of sub-Saharan African countries. The objective of this thesis is to understand the determinants of technological innovation processes in biofuel production. The thesis poses two hypotheses for this purpose. The first hypothesis, structured by the intersection of transition theories and systemic analyses of innovation, is based on the institutional determinism of technological innovation processes that structure the emergence of the biofuel sector. The second hypothesis assumes that the emergence and development of the bioenergy sector is the result of micro-economic and territorial adoption conditions of energy crop production. The test of these hypotheses is carried out by mobilizing an analysis framework in terms of innovation systems in the case of the Jatropha sector in Burkina Faso. The results show that the emergence of biofuel technologies in Sub-Saharan African countries is linked to institutional changes induced by the energy and environmental crises. These institutional changes activate resources favorable to the emergence and dissemination of biofuel technologies. In Burkina Faso, these changes are driven by European policies and those of sub-regional organizations such as WAEMU and ECOWAS. Econometric modeling allows us to test the conditions for microeconomic adoption and implementation of biofuel technology innovations. The structural factors of the farm (land capital, food situation, perception), the proximity of the actors in the sector, and the institutional variables inherent in capacity building and skills appear to structure these adoption processes for Jatropha. Finally, this adoption depends on technological models that allow the integration of the phases of raw material production, processing and utilization from a territorial point of view in a mechanism that responds to the priority development needs of Burkina Faso.
  • Innovative Milieu as a Driving Force of Innovative Entrepreneurship.

    Dimitri UZUNIDIS, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Blandine LAPERCHE
    Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Growth poles and reconversion of industrial territories in a new market economy: A study applied to the case of the economy of Gdansk (Poland).

    Maria LOREK, Dimitri UZUNIDIS, Bernadette MADEUF, Blandine LAPERCHE, Bernard GUESNIER, Gabriel COLLETIS
    Since economic liberalization, the growth poles built under state supervision have undergone major institutional and organizational transformations in centrally planned countries. The new forms of industrial organization, which are at the origin of these transformations, give priority to territorial logics. Local economies, underestimated during the centrally planned economy, have become priority areas for the application of economic policy. In this context, work on industrial districts, innovative environments, and clusters is regaining interest. On the other hand, the question of the conversion of growth poles through economic liberalization remains largely unexplored in terms of its impact on the development of innovation in the former centrally planned countries. The impact of economic liberalization in centrally planned countries is manifested in the new practices of cooperation, sharing and collective action that are part of the "new" market economy. The resulting convergence of public and private interests and the emergence of collective learning play an essential role in the development of innovation. Theoretical studies on growth poles do not take these transformations into consideration, and remain focused on the role of the driving industries that are able to drive the other components of the productive system thanks to their size or productivity. However, the economic reality approves of the fact that the growth poles have been transformed by relying on the articulation between the various local actors, specific local resources, relationships developed on and off the market and the implementation of innovation. To describe the innovative capacities of local actors, we propose a concept of the territorialized innovation system. From this analysis, the interest of targeting the study on a particular growth pole stems. The economic history, the implementation of the new local economic policy (after 1989), the choices made by local authorities, the notable though emerging growth of the high-tech sector and the absence of previous studies on this issue are all factors that make the Gdansk region an interesting case to analyze the extent to which economic liberalization has been an incentive for the development of innovation in its territory. To this end, we analyze the innovation potential of the Gdansk region that is being forged during the establishment of the market economy in Poland, first through a statistical analysis of the Gdansk economy since the end of the Second World War to give an overview of the initial set of conditions. Then, through the study of survey data conducted by the National Statistical Office (GUS), which we mobilize to complete our analysis and present the innovation potential of the Gdansk region. The empirical analysis shows that liberalization has contributed to the development of innovation in the Gdansk region, firstly by promoting the accumulation of secondary assets, secondly by improving its scientific and technical potential, and thirdly by encouraging the emergence of innovative companies. The latter are the result of a process of creative destruction that has allowed the renewal of the local productive fabric. All the results allow us to approve that the Gdansk region, during its reconversion, has undergone institutional, economic and social changes that have transformed it into a territorialized innovation system. This system is the result of the articulation between the action of local authorities and the activities of private actors likely to innovate.
  • The failed birth of a giant: lessons learned from the collapse of the EADS / BAE systems merger.

    Pierre BARBAROUX, Blandine LAPERCHE
    Journal of Innovation Economics | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Anti-counterfeiting strategies of luxury cosmetic companies: accumulation versus valorization of knowledge capital.

    Nejla YACOUB, Blandine LAPERCHE
    Innovations | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Entrepreneurial Behavior and Eco-Innovation.

    Blandine LAPERCHE
    Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Knowledge-Capital and Innovation.

    Blandine LAPERCHE
    Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Knowledge Capital and Small Businesses.

    Blandine LAPERCHE
    Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Environmental constraints, Product-Service Systems development and impacts on innovation management: learning from manufacturing firms in the French context.

    Blandine LAPERCHE, Fabienne PICARD
    Journal of Cleaner Production | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Entrepreneur’s “Resource Potential,” Innovation and Networks.

    Dimitri UZUNIDIS, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Blandine LAPERCHE
    Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2013
    No summary available.
  • Internationalization and technological strategies of companies: diffusion, transfer and protection of metallurgical engineering technologies.

    Laurent MULLER, Blandine LAPERCHE, Dimitri UZUNIDIS
    In the global market of metallurgical engineering for cast iron production technologies, European companies are increasingly confronted with competitors from emerging countries. In response to this challenge, they are developing a specific strategic sales behavior, which is studied by the author, based on practical experiences in industry. Innovation, which is at the heart of this strategy, is deployed, not through technology transfer, i.e. in the form of autonomous industrial property transfer, but through technology diffusion where the transfer vector is the physical equipment, manufactured directly or indirectly by the firm. Global competitive practices are thus undermining traditional technology protection and transfer tools.
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