
A meta-analysis of relative crop yields in cereal/legume mixtures suggests options for management.

Agronomic managements, Cereal/legume mixtures, Competition, Meta-analysis, PLER

Temporal niche differentiation increases the land equivalent ratio of annual intercrops: A meta-analysis.

Agricultural land, Agriculture, Intensification agricole, Intercropping, Interculture, Interplanting, Land equivalent ratio, Meta-analysis, Nutrients, Surface agricole, Temporal niche differentiation

The “mother of all puzzles” at thirty: A meta-analysis.

Capital m obility, Capital mobility, Feldstein-Horioka coefficient, Feldstein-horioka coefficient, Meta-analysis, Saving-investment correlation

Three essays on corporate financial misconduct and market reactions.

Efficience des marchés, Event study, Financial markets, Financial misconduct, Information and market efficiency, Listed companies, Manquement financier, Marchés financiers, Meta-analysis, Méta-analyse, Regulation, Régulation, Sanction, Sociétés cotées, Étude d'évènement

A Global Meta-Analysis of the Value of Ecosystem Services Provided by Lakes.

Ecosystem services, Geospatial data, Global scale, Lakes, Meta-analysis, Non-market valuation

Stated preferences: a unique database composed of 1657 recent published articles in journals related to agriculture, environment, or health.

Benefit transfer, Choice experiment, Contingent valuation, I10, Incentive compatibility, Matching method, Meta-analysis, Q18, Q51, Review of literature

The deformation of Okun's law over the business cycle.

Asymmetry, Asymétrie, Business cycle, Cycle Economique, Labor Market, Loi d'Okun, Marché du Travail, Meta-Analysis, Méta-Analyse, Okun's law, Séries Temporelles, Times Series