Stated preferences: a unique database composed of 1657 recent published articles in journals related to agriculture, environment, or health.

  • MAHIEU Pierre alexandre
  • ANDERSSON Henrik
  • BEAUMAIS Olivier
  • HESS Stephane
  • WOLFF Francois charles
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary AbstractNumerous articles dealing with stated preferences are published every year in journals related to agriculture, environment, or health. Hence, it is not easy to find all the relevant articles when performing a benefit transfer, a meta-analysis, or a review of literature. Also, it is not easy to identify trends or common practices in these fields regarding the elicitation method. We have constructed and made available a unique database comprising 1657 choice experiment and/or contingent valuation articles published in journals related to agriculture, environment, or health between 2004 and 2016. We show that the number of choice experiment studies keeps increasing and the single-bounded dichotomous choice format is the most employed question format in contingent valuation studies. We also consider the new nomenclature proposed by Carson and Louviere and we show that the “discrete choice experiment” is more popular than the “matching method,” especially in journals related to agriculture.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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