Public policies for the development of solar photovoltaic energy and the impacts on dynamics of technology systems and markets.

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Summary The PV market has experienced strong growth over the past decade, supported by favorable policy actions in a context of energy transition. However, despite these beneficial conditions, the global PV market has paradoxically gone through a chaotic period with overproduction problems, an industrial crisis and long-lasting trade disputes between countries. This thesis takes these issues as a starting point and attempts to understand PV public policies and their impacts on technology and market dynamics. In order to clarify these issues, a systemic approach is used to provide a correct understanding of the general mechanisms of PV public policies. A concrete systemic overview of these mechanisms is constructed based on theoretical and historical analyses by defining key variables and context. A retrospective analysis using purpose-built mappings is conducted to identify critical limitations and challenges of the PV sector as well as risk factors. This thesis also shows how the nature of the policy environment is changing in conjunction with the dynamics of the PV sector. The thesis highlights that the national dynamics have been broken by China's entry into the PV sector. The thesis ultimately proposes strategic directions for PV development along two dimensions, domestic and international. At the national level, the thesis focuses on PV self-consumption as a natural way to use PV energy in the power system. This analysis implies a change in the nature of PV policies in the future. Finally, in order to solve the current industrial crisis, the thesis presents possibilities for collaborative international actions to create a new PV demand in the international context by seeking economic and environmental benefits at the global level.
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