Over the past three years, the world economy has been hit by a number of major shocks, including the Covid-19 pandemic, which is still present with China’s 0 Covid policy, and the armed conflict in Ukraine, which has had a heavy impact on the world economy: rising energy costs weighing on industries, supply delays in all sectors, inflationary impact, particularly on the other side of the Atlantic and on the Old Continent, and slowing growth (despite a significant post-Covid rebound). In the short term, the world’s central banks are reacting by tightening their monetary policies, by raising their key interest rates, adding to the slowdown in economic growth.

 But these changes reveal a structural situation, linked to climate change and its consequences, scarcity of resources, the need to adapt, which is leading us into a new regime. In this unfavorable economic context, it is indeed necessary to engage a voluntary strategy of ecological transition, requiring colossal investments, but also carrying inflationary tendencies.

In this context of uncertainty, many questions arise, which will be the subject of this webinar: 

  • How deep will the recession be, what is the outlook for the global economy?
  • Should we expect such high energy prices in the coming months, and what are the links between energy and high inflation?
  • What are the current levers to counter inflationary pressures?
  • How can the ecological transition be financed in the current economic downturn?
  • What are the consequences for asset management and investment strategies?

 To answer these crucial questions, a panel of researchers and experts will be brought together and exchange during an online event*, which will include presentations and a roundtable discussion.

 Opening remarks :

 Jean-Michel Beacco (General Delegate of the ILB) and Isabelle Laudier (Head of the Institute for Research of the Caisse des Dépôts)

Speakers :

  • Pascal Coret (Deputy Director of the Asset Management Department of Caisse des Dépôts): what economic questions do financial players ask themselves, in particular long-term investors?
  • Bertrand Candelon (Professor of Economics at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Scientific Director of the Modelling of Financial and Extra-Financial Risks research program): panorama and situation of the world economy
  • Anna Creti (Professor of Economics at the University of Paris Dauphine PSL, Director of the Climate Economics Chair): the energy crisis with soaring energy prices
  • Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran (Lecturer at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Associate Researcher at the Energy & Prosperity Chair): monetary policies in the face of inflation

* An email will be sent to registrants a few hours before the event with a Teams connection link.


  • ILB,
  • Caisse des Dépôts


Online conference