With :

Laurence Devillers
Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Sorbonne University

Antoinette Rouvroy
Legal philosopher, researcher at the Fonds de la recherche scientifique (FRS-FNRS) in Namur


“The opacity that accompanies devices based on artificial intelligence is twofold. Firstly, it is technical: while our daily practices are increasingly confronted with algorithms that help to shape or influence them, their operation is most often unknown to us.

But to this technical opacity is added a second layer of obscurity, ethical or normative. Technical devices are not neutral: they carry with them, without their designers obviously stating it or even being aware of it, a representation of what is desirable and what is not. These devices contribute to the construction, in a word, of a political and moral world order, where the techniques of surveillance and orientation of behaviour that they implement are all the more worthy of questioning because a good part of their effectiveness depends on the ignorance in which we hold them.

When we interact with a robot, on the telephone or in the kitchen, what are the ethical issues of the manipulation in which we voluntarily, but without necessarily measuring the consequences, agree to engage? More generally, what are the drivers – and what is the horizon – of the government of our behaviour by artificial intelligence?


The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception.
Access is free but registration is required.




  • Chaire PARI


Sciences Po 27, rue Saint Guillaume, Paris, 75337