The Institut Louis Bachelier and the Chaire Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels invite you to the presentation of the book L’Etat et le dialogue social, published on 7 April by the Presses de Sciences Po.

During this online event*, the authors, Martial Foucault (Sciences Po, CNRS) and Guy Groux (Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po), will present the main observations of their work carried out during the writing of the book.


Under the impact of globalisation, changes in capitalism and the retreat of the welfare state, industrial relations have been profoundly modified in three decades. They are no longer solely a matter of state-regulated conflit.

Endowed with increased contractual autonomy, the company has become the key player in a social dialogue structured around national, or even international, themes such as employment and economic performance.

This dialogue, which has become highly institutionalised, has come to supplant collective bargaining. All of these developments point to a new historical compromise between the social partners and the State, driven by an aspiration to social democracy and encouraged by various legal texts on corporate governance.

*The webinar will take place on Microsoft Teams. A reminder e-mail will be sent to registrants a few hours before the event with a link to the conference.


  • ILB,
  • Chaire de sécurisation des parcours professionnels


Online conference