Regulatory dynamics, stakeholder expectations and the information needs of the financial sector have increased both the demand for and the supply of ESG data. The influx of data from issuers does not, however, resolve the difficulties linked to their use, due to their mostly voluntary nature, which is non-standardized and, therefore, unreliable, and difficult to compare, and above all, very static, as they are generally published only once a year and often with a long delay in relation to the relevance of their use by financiers. This raises the question of improving the frequency, quality and comparability of this data on a sufficiently reliable basis to feed more dynamic and forward-looking models, in order, for example, to measure the alignment of portfolios with the Paris Agreement or the SDGs. The work carried out by the Institut Louis Bachelier and the ILB DataLab shows that it is necessary to develop complementary sources of information to obtain better estimates, interpretation and use of increasingly broad and complex ESG criteria.



Introduction: Stéphane VOISIN (Coordinator of the Green and Sustainable Finance programme, Institut Louis Bachelier)

17:00 – 17:20:The necessary ESG data revolution: why are actors currently limited in steering their transition” by Louis BOULANGER (Director of the ILB DataLab)

Presentation of some use cases conducted by the ILB DataLab in green and sustainable finance highlighting the strong limitations linked to data limitations (frequency, recency, coverage…):

  • Creation of an aligned portfolio
  • Environmental footprint of an automotive credit portfolio with an impact objective
  • Calculation of the alignment of counterparties from selected sectors

17:20-17:45: Round table: “High-frequency ESG data: state of the art, limits and perspectives

Moderator: Stéphane VOISIN


  • Christian LELONG, Director Natural Resources, KAYRROS
  • Alain PODAIRE, Satellite Data Consultant for ATOS
  • Noémie KLEIN, CEO, Asset Resolution


17h45-18h: Q&A session




Institut Louis Bachelier DataLab;
GSF (Green and Sustainable Finance).

