The purpose of this workshop is to draw lessons from recent work conducted at AFD in particular and based on a new generation of SFC models. The initial model of Bovari, Giraud and McIsaac (2018) was a supply-side model for the global economy. The new models focus on an emerging open economy. After a first prototype (Yilmaz and Godin, 2020) without ecological dimension, a version with a more developed international environment and climate transition is proposed (Spain and Yilmaz, 2021). Within this general theoretical framework, empirical work is underway in several countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Vietnam, Colombia)


The seminar will discuss this work on the basis of the following presentations.

  • Brief introduction to consistent stock flow modelling (Jacques Mazier, Sorbonne Paris Nord University)
  • Grasping Argentina green transition : insights from à stock-flow input-output model (Sebastian Valdecantos, Aalborg Universitet)
  • Impact of climate change on the Moroccan macroeconomy through agriculture (Antoine Godin, AFD)
  • Vietnam: from an empirical SFC model to the study of the impact of climate change (Etienne Espagne and Nguyen Ha, AFD)

The presentations will be introduced by Hervé Gouëdard (Ademe), Edwin Le Heron (Sciences po Bordeaux) and Luis Reyes (Kedge business school).


Registration required here (in French)


  • Chaire Energie et Propérité

