14/07/2024 REPLAY | WEBINAR UNLOCKING CLIMATE ALIGNMENT: An innovative methodology and its application to the automobile sector Don’t miss the replay of the webinar hosted by the ESG Lab. An enriching session where we explore a groundbreaking methodology for portfolio alignment, tailored to guide effective decarbonization strategies across a variety of asset classes, including equity, real estate, and personal loans.
02/01/2024 REPLAY WEBINAR OFEX: THE ATTRACTIVENESS OF FINANCIAL CENTRES– TECHNICAL SESSION ON THE METHODOLOGY After the recent launch of OFEX, a new index assessing the financial attractiveness of financial centers, the Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) in Paris and the Center for Financial Studies (CFS) in Frankfurt were pleased to invite you to a special webinar on OFEX’s methodology. The replay of this session is now available.
15/12/2023 Portfolio decarbonization building a detailed climate scenario The replay of the ESG Lab webinar “Decarbonising portfolios: building detailed climate scenarios”, 28 November 2023.
22/11/2023 How to measure the attractiveness of financial centres? The Institut Louis Bachelier, in partnership with the Center for Financial Studies affiliated to Frankfurt’s Goethe University, presented a new index measuring the attractiveness of financial centres on Wednesday 22 November at the Collège de France in a hybrid format (face-to-face and distance learning). This new index, entitled (Open Financial Ecosystem IndeX), analyses and ranks the world’s financial centres in order to enlighten public decision-makers, investors and the general public.
12/09/2023 Webinar Decarbonising portfolios: building detailed climate scenarios The webinar “Decarbonising portfolios: building detailed climate scenarios”, organised by ESG Lab in partnership with Enerdata, took place on 12 September 2023.
25/10/2022 Launch of ESG Lab 2022 Following the success of its Data Lab, comprising a team of data science R&D engineers, the ILB has launched the ESG Lab 25 October 2022. The aim is to develop tailor-made operational solutions and advance the state of the art to meet the needs of public and private practitioners of sustainable finance.