Scientific project

The Chair’s scientific programme involves the study of the health insurance market with regard to aging. The Chair works on themes that can be grouped under the following three categories:

  • Mechanism of risk-sharing markets: regulation, liquidity and solvency
  • Attitude to risk: psychological ambiguity and bias
  • Econometrics: quantification of extreme risks and interdependence

In the 2012-2016 scientific programme IDEI researchers developed the previous themes by focusing on a number of sub-themes: Moral hazard in continuous time; Liquid asset management and the impact on risk management; Regulation of financial intermediation; Information asymmetry; Credit risk modelling; Environmental policy; Attitude to risk; Econometrics.

In the framework of the 2012-2016 scientific programme, the theme of dependence and the anti-aging health insurance market was headed by Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Jean Marie Lozachmeur, Pierre Pestieau and Emmanuel Thibault. It was divided into sub-themes: The design of long-term care insurance contracts; Social insurance dependence and redistribution; Social insurance dependence and family behaviour; The political economy of dependence.

Scientific officers

Christian Gollier
Christian Gollier
Stéphane Villeneuve
Stéphane Villeneuve

Academic Partners

Economic Partner