Scientific project


The insurance sector is being disrupted by fundamental trends. Technological, regulatory, societal, and environmental developments collide, imposing unprecedented challenges on insurers. New models and their algorithms, connected objects and the information they generate, computing capabilities, mass data processing, and new approaches to artificial intelligence allow us to rethink insurance, its scope of intervention, prevention, distribution, and advice. All these changes affect the behaviors of policyholders and insurers, altering access to and consumption of insurance products and services. However, they also enable increasing individualization, making the practice of insurance more complex.

Since 2010, BNP Paribas Cardif has collaborated with the research world, initially establishing a chair of excellence focusing on the role of models in insurance company management. The DAMI chair then continued these reflections by focusing on the use of models and data in insurance. Building on this work, the ACTIONS chair aims to study new actuarial techniques to make insurance more accessible. It seeks to analyze the impacts of technological transformations on insurance and the underlying actuarial models. This chair aims to develop research activities around the evolution of the insurer’s promise and the actuaries’ responsibility towards this commitment.


This chair places the actuary at the center of a reflection on the insurance of the future. The objective is to develop the best models while maintaining a balance between individualization and mutualization necessary for optimal risk management. The chair is particularly interested in modeling policyholders’ behavior, with an approach directly linked to the increasing diversity of collected data through the digitalization of interactions, social networks, and connected objects. In parallel, it seeks to anticipate these contracts of the future and to take into account the evolution of knowledge about biometric risks and medical advances.

Making insurance more accessible also means making it clearer, simpler, and more understandable. The ACTIONS chair emphasizes communication around insurance in the broad sense. One research axis is dedicated to pedagogy and risk culture. The chair thus contributes to the popularization effort around insurance risks and the interpretation of model decisions.

The conducted research will shed light on the role of insurers and the responsibility of actuaries in a rapidly evolving society.

Scientific officers

Denys Pommeret
Denys Pommeret
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille See CV
Yahia  Salhi
Yahia Salhi
ISFA Université Lyon 1 See CV

Economic Partner

Partenaire institutionnel