
Three Essays in Private Equity.

Capital-Investissement, Emerging markets, IPOs, Introductions en bourse, Liquidity, Liquidité, Manager mobility, Marchés émergents, Mobilité des managers, Performance, Private equity

The Dynamics of Hedge Fund Performance.

Fund managers, Hedge Funds, Measure of performance, Performance, Rating dynamics, Stochastic migration model

Employee unions and company performance.

Ecarts de rémunération homme-Femme, Gender gap, Income smoothing, Labor, Lissage des résultats, Multi-syndicalisme, Multi-unionism, Performance, Productivity, Productivité, Profitability, Rentabilité, Salaires, Salariés, Syndicalisation, Syndicats, Unionization, Unions, Wages

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), human capital, organizational changes and performance of manufacturing SMEs.

ANOVA test of Welch, Capital humain, Causalité de Granger, Changements organisationnels, Granger causality, Human capital, Ict, Kruskal-Wallis test, Linear regression with dummy variables, Multivariate Probit, Ordered Probit, Organizational change, PME tunisiennes, Performance, Post-hoc tests, Probit multivarié, Probit ordonné, Profitability, Rentabilité, Régression linéaire à variables muettes, Test de Kruskal-Wallis, Test de l’ANOVA de Welch, Tests post-hoc, Tic, Tunisian SMEs

Growth strategy, financial life cycle and financial management of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Acquisition, Besoin en fonds de roulement, Business groups, Croissance, Groupes de sociétés, Growth, Initial public offering, Introduction en bourse, PME, Performance, SME, Working capital management

Capital structure and performance of French family-owned companies listed on the stock market.

Capital structure, Corporate governance, Entreprises familiales, Family firms, Firm performance, Gouvernance des entreprises, Introduction en bourse, Ipo, Performance, Structure de capital

Sensitivity to the local economic fabric and company performance.

Entreprise, Firm, Performance, Territoire, Territory

Fees, performance and risk of Islamic and conventional investment funds: a theoretical and empirical approach.

Agency problems, Aversion au risque, Fonds Islamiques, Frais de gestion, Islamic funds, Management fees, Performance, Problèmes d’agence, Risk aversion, Risque systématique, Simulation, Systematic risk, Volatility, Volatilité

Competition between exchange platforms.

Competition, Efficience informationnelle, Governance structure, Liquidity, Liquidité, Market efficiency, Market fragmentation, Market quality, Performance, Pre-Opening, Pré-ouverture, Qualité de marché, Reputation, Réputation, Self-Listing, Stock exchange, Structure de gouvernance

Managerial overconfidence : interactions with corporate governance and firm performance.

Compensation, Corporate governance, Gouvernance d'entreprise, Overconfidence, Performance, Rémunération, Surconfiance

Essays on corporate social responsibility and socially responsible investment.

Alternative allocation strategies ("smart beta"), Base des investisseurs, Corporate social responsibility, Cost of equity capital, Coût du capital, Diversification, Investissement socialement responsable, Investor base performance, Liquidity, Liquidité, Matrice de covariance robuste, Performance, Responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise, Robust covariances matrix, Socially responsible investment, Stratégies d’allocation alternatives ("smart beta")

Does diversity of bank board members affect performance and risk? Evidence from an emerging market.

Bank Board, Diversity, Emerging Market, Ethnicity, Performance, Risk