
Neural network modeling: application to fuel management in a reactor.

Algorithme retropropagation, Backpropagation algorithm, Combustible nucléaire, Modeling, Modélisation, Méthode statistique, Neural network, Nuclear fuel, Nuclear reactor, Perturbation theory, Pressurized water reactor, Rechargement, Refueling, Réacteur eau pressurisée, Réacteur nucléaire, Réseau neuronal, Statistical method, Théorie perturbation

Development and validation of a grassland production index based on the use of satellite data time series: application to an insurance product in France.

Assurance indicielle, Biophysical parameter, Grasslands, Index insurance, Modeling, Modélisation, Paramètres biophysiques, Prairies, Remote sensing, Télédétection, Validation

Meteorological and climatic potentials and limits of a proliferation of renewable energies.

Electricity production, Modeling, Modélisation, Photovoltaic production, Photovoltaïque, Production électrique, Renewable energy, Supply-Demand balance, Wind production, Énergie renouvelable, Éolien, Équilibre offre-Demande

Meteorological and climatic potentials and limits of a proliferation of renewable energies.

Electricity production, Modeling, Modélisation, Photovoltaic production, Photovoltaïque, Production électrique, Renewable energy, Supply-Demand balance, Wind production, Énergie renouvelable, Éolien, Équilibre offre-Demande

Seismic loss modelling in insurance industry : towards a new model for better claims management.

Assurance, Earthquake, Insurance, Loss, Modeling, Modélisation, Pertes, Risk, Risque, Stochastic, Stochastique, Séisme

Seismic loss modelling in insurance industry : towards a new model for better claims management.

Assurance, Earthquake, Insurance, Loss, Modeling, Modélisation, Pertes, Risk, Risque, Stochastic, Stochastique, Séisme

A communicating object’s approach for smart logistics and safety issues in warehouses.

Communicating object, Interaction mechanisms, Internet of Things, Modeling, Safety, Smart logistics, Warehouse management system

Order matters : the effect of sequential presentation on economic decision making.

Biais, Bias, Choice, Choix, Comparaison, Comparison, Modeling, Modèle, Présentation séquentielle, Sequential presentation, Valeur, Value

Statistical learning for wind power: A modeling and stability study towards forecasting.

Bagging, Data mining, Forecasting, Modeling, Random forests, Stability, Wind power

Natural resources, thermodynamics and economic theory of production: a historical and methodological perspective.

Aggregate production, Flow-fund model, Fonction de production agrégées, Interdisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarité, Modeling, Modèles flux-fonds, Modélisation, Natural resources, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Ressources naturelles, Robert Ayres, Thermodynamics, Thermodynamique

Dynamic reliability modeling using Valuation-Based System.

Dynamic model, Model uncertainty, Modeling, Reliability assessment, Valuation-Based System VBS

Natural resources, thermodynamics and economic theory of production: a historical and methodological perspective.

Aggregate production, Flow-fund model, Fonction de production agrégées, Interdisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarité, Modeling, Modèles flux-fonds, Modélisation, Natural resources, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Ressources naturelles, Robert Ayres, Thermodynamics, Thermodynamique