
Cooperation in incomplete information: some strategic models.

Commitment, Contract, Contrat, Cooperation, Engagement, Incentives, Incitation, Incomplete information, Information incomplète

The organization of uncertain markets.

Actors, Commitment, Comédiens, Economic Sociology, Employment relations, Engagement, Freelance journalists, Labor market, Marchés du produit, Marchés du travail, Market for products, Pigistes, Segmentation, Sociologie du travail, Sociologie économique, Sociology of Labor

From intention to entrepreneurial behavior: to what extent can the notions of commitment and planned intention facilitate the passage to action?

Commitment, Comportement entrepreneurial, Engagement, Entrepreneurial behaviour, Entrepreneurial intention, Implementation intention, Intention entrepreneuriale, Intention planifiée

Repeating "yes" in a first request and compliance with a later request: the four walls technique.

Behavioral consistency, Compliance, Engagement, Foot-in-the-door technique, Four walls technique, Oui dans la porte, Pied dans la porte

Commitment and incentives: Economic behaviors under oath.


The commitment of cooperators and their integration into networks, levers for innovation within agricultural cooperatives.

Communication, Cooperative, Engagement, Innovation, Soutenabilité

Partnerships and organizational innovation in agricultural cooperatives: the example of sparkling wines and cereals1

Agricultural co-op, Agricultural cooperative, Commitment, Coopération, Coopérative agricole, Engagement, Innovation organisationnelle, Organisational innovation, Proximity, Proximité