
Frailty transitions and health care use in Europe.

dental care, dynamic panel data, elderly, frailty, health care use

Are public subsidies effective to reduce emergency care use of dependent people? Evidence from the PLASA randomized controlled trial.

Aide professionnelle, Aide à domicile, Dependent people, Elderly, Formal care, Professional care, Prévention, Public subsidies, Vieillissement

Effects of a long-term exercise programme on functional ability in people with dementia living in nursing homes: Research protocol of the LEDEN study, a cluster randomised controlled trial.

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Elderly, Exercise, Long-term care, Nursing home, Physical activity

Supporting the dependency of the elderly: territorial issues in metropolitan France.

Care, Elderly, Geography, Géographie, Médico-Social, Personnes âgées, Territoire, Territory

Implementation gaps or local public policies: the example of assistance to dependent elderly people at home.

Decentralization of public action, Décentralisation, Elderly, Personnes âgées, Politiques sociales, Social policies

The determinants of elderly migration in France.

Elderly, France, Migration, Retirees, Territories

Gendered economic determinants of couple formation over 50 in France.

Age group over 50, Couple, Elderly, Income distibution, Marriage, Pacs, Seniors, Union formation

Confrontation of institutional logics and dynamics of organizational routines.

Elderly, Institutional logics, Logiques institutionnelles, Personnes âgées, Routines, Telecare, Téléassistance