Competition law and economics of big data : a new competition rulebook.

  • CARUGATI Christophe
  • DEFFAINS Bruno
  • MARTY Frederic
  • BENZONI Laurent
  • GARELLO Pierre
  • RANGONE Nicoletta
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Summary This thesis addresses the issues of Big Data in competition law in three chapters. Chapter One proposes new economic tools for defining the relevant market and market power in the data-driven economy. It argues for the need to reform relevant market and market power by considering new tools and a set of factors to consider for market power. Chapter Two offers new economic and legal analyses for data-driven mergers and anticompetitive practices. It explores leading topics related to incorporating privacy into merger assessment and antitrust practices, algorithmic cartels, and preemptive mergers. It argues for the need to integrate privacy into all data-related merger and antitrust cases since data necessarily involves privacy and data protection issues. Finally, Chapter Three proposes regulating the digital economy. It demonstrates that the economy is highly concentrated and that markets cannot correct market failures by themselves. It analyzes the recommendations of government-commissioned reports (Furman et al, Crémer et al, Schallbruch et al, ACCC report and Stigler report) and discusses and considers other original proposals.
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