Economic and environmental evaluation of the regional development of a multi-sector and multi-scale interacting sector: the case of the forestry-wood sector in the Grand Est.

  • BEAUSSIER Thomas
  • DELACOTE Philippe
  • BELLON MAUREL Veronique
  • SONNEMANN Guido w.
  • LE MOUEL Chantal
  • ROBERT Nicolas
  • COLLET Pierre
  • SONNEMANN Guido w.
  • LE MOUEL Chantal
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Summary The objective of this thesis is to develop a method for quantitative evaluation of the economic and environmental performance of regional development strategies, applied to the forestry sector in the Grand Est region. The approach is based on the coupling of modeling tools from economics and environmental sciences. In chapter 1, we analyze the existing couplings between 5 economic models and 3 environmental assessment tools. A dedicated criterion grid allows us to compare their relevance to provide integrative assessments at the meso scale. The couplings between equilibrium models and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) best meet the defined objectives. Chapter 2 details the methodological framework of the coupling between a partial equilibrium model of the French forestry sector and LCA. The homogenization of material flows between the two models allows the production of economic and environmental indicators with a coherent scope, the ratio of which provides two eco-efficiency indicators. The first one combines the economic surplus of the forestry sector with its potential environmental impacts (Partial Eco-Efficiency, PEE), the second one adds the environmental impacts avoided by the substitution between wood-energy and fossil fuels, compared to a reference scenario (Full Eco-Efficiency, FEE). In Chapter 3, we use this framework to analyze different development strategies of the bioeconomy oriented towards wood-energy, at the national scale and at the regional level in the Grand Est. We compare the EEF of scenarios built by combinations of different policies: wood energy demand subsidy, local supply, forest protection, energy crisis. The strategies integrating a stimulation of wood-energy demand are the most eco-efficient, at the regional and national level. This is based on the avoided impacts of substituting wood energy for fossil fuels. The combination of the subsidy with protection and/or local procurement measures slightly increases or decreases its eco-efficiency depending on the scale of implementation. Other factors determining the eco-efficiency of a policy are identified, such as the characteristics of the forest resource, the importance of the local wood industry, and the characteristics of neighboring regions.
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