Three essays on using Nudges in business firms.

  • PLONQUET Matthieu
  • GARDES Francois
  • CLARK Andrew
  • BRESSOUD Etienne
  • TYRAN Jean robert
  • BOULU RESHEF Beatrice
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Summary In this thesis, we use the Nudge approach to solve behavioral problems that companies may face. In the first chapter, we first outline some of the problems that classical economics struggles to solve, then we introduce the Nudge approach and explain how it can be an effective alternative. In the second chapter, we use Nudge to change the wording of invitations to participate in internet surveys in order to increase the participation rate. We find that most Nudges succeed in convincing individuals to leave their email address, but that only those that acknowledge their efforts improve the participation rate. In the third chapter, we use Nudge to develop very short satisfaction surveys, administered monthly, and compare the results to those of a longer survey at the end of the course. We find that satisfaction in the first month is strongly correlated with final satisfaction, which makes it possible to detect possible problems very early. In the final chapter, we use Nudges to make a simple task more fun, an approach called "gamification". Nudges increase productivity as much as monetary incentives, without costing as much as monetary incentives. Furthermore, Nudges improve intrinsic motivation when they are not implemented at the same time as incentives. We conclude with some practical advice for decision makers who want to try Nudge.
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