Dynamic modeling of cost systems for sustainable land management.

  • MORLAT Clement
  • FAUCHEUX Sylvie
  • O CONNOR Martin
  • FAUCHEUX Sylvie
  • PINTO SILVA Kleber
  • GEORGEAULT Laurent
  • ROUDAUT Gwenael
  • RICHARD Jacques
  • PECQUEUR Bernard
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Summary The process of creating economic value is based on a territorial heritage made up of ecological, technical and social functions that articulate the elements of the productive capital and ensure its perennial availability. The added value is a monetary representation of its effects on the individual activity of the entities of the territory. However, this heritage is a common good. The Economy of Functionality model integrates the maintenance of this asset from the cooperative design of "product-services" solutions contracted between entities in the territory. The study of the Ile-de-France energy renovation of private tertiary buildings and the supply of construction aggregates reveals the interest of their integrated governance at the regional level. The availability of the information necessary for the emergence of these representations and scenarios is desirable at each scale of evaluation, throughout the process of deliberation, contractualization and valorization. Its quality conditions economic innovation for a more sustainable territorial development. The systems and practices associated with its management therefore have a heritage and productive value.
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