Legal mechanisms for technology transfer to developing countries: The case of sub-Saharan African countries.

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Summary A solution to the problem of underdevelopment has appeared in the international transfer of technology, which combines assistance, training, cooperation, and sometimes financial aid. In view of the interest of this process, the United Nations began a process of legislation. One still remembers the "International Code of Conduct on Technology Transfer", which appeared to be a major step forward for developing countries in economic progress. Despite the failure of this attempt, the process has remained at the heart of international exchanges, with technology imposing itself as the instrument for measuring development. This is why the least developed countries are engaged in a real race for technology, as a guarantee of their right to development. This has led to the evolution of legal mechanisms for transfers, which are themselves now linked to the technologies transferred. On the international scene, we are therefore witnessing a series of laws relating to technology transfer and intellectual property, which not only demonstrate the legal security of transactions, but also the new vision of economic relations, notably that of taking into account the effects of technology on the environment. With an existing but not repressive intellectual property law, Sub-Saharan African countries are particularly trying to obtain their development through investments. To this end, they are creating favorable regulatory frameworks. International partnership, private and public investment, patents,... all these means of access to technology deserve to be examined in depth.This thesis is written with the objective of comparing and promoting a technology acquisition adapted for developing countries, but also to promote the implantation of foreign companies in these countries.
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