Economics and sociology: what theoretical filiations? Essays on the case of action theory from the 1960s to the present.

  • FOUGY Florian
  • LE GALL Philippe
  • BAULANT Camille
  • JOVANOVIC Franck
  • MENARD Claude
  • GAUTIE Jerome
  • TADJEDDINE Yamina leila
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Summary Motivated by the conviction that economics and sociology must meet, our research has two objectives. It questions the theoretical filiations (or conceptual migrations) between economics and sociology on the one hand, and to analyze the characteristics of these theoretical filiations on the other hand. As the dialogue between economics and sociology has increased since the 1960s, are theoretical filiations between the two disciplines possible? And what are their characteristics? Our research is based on the study of a case, that of the theory of action. More precisely, we approach different objects of this vast theory: the theory of rational choice, the field of economics of conventions and the concept of embedding. The study reveals that theoretical filiations between economics and sociology are possible, are not systematic and can be "imperfect".
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