Issue-based greenhouse gas emissions accounting: a tool for analyzing the impacts of climate change on the activities of a corporate and investment bank.

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Summary This thesis contributes to the definition of a new banking risk related to the economic impacts of climate change. Climate change will impact the clients of a Corporate and Investment Bank (CIB) and will have consequences on its strategy and the composition of its business portfolio. On the other hand, uncertainties remain about the economic impacts of climate change and create a banking risk: the carbon risk. Quantifying the "Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions induced" by the activities of the bank's clients is a necessary first step in managing this new risk. After studying the different existing carbon accounting models, this thesis proposes an analysis tool based on a new form of carbon accounting that allocates GHG emissions to economic agents according to their capacity to reduce them: "issue-based accounting". This tool allows the realization of a sectoral and geographical mapping of the "GHG emissions induced" by a financing and investment portfolio (in debt and capital).
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