Three essays in empirical health economics.

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Summary The main objective of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of the factors influencing the health status of individuals by looking at the determinants of health demand but also at the possible sources of its alteration. Chapter 2 aims to gain a better understanding of the determinants of the demand for prevention among retired people. Although the services offered by the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Vieillesse have been greatly diversified in recent years, demand remains very low. By setting up a randomized evaluation, we aim to determine the nature of the obstacles to the adoption of preventive measures. We show that providing risk information is an effective policy. The objective of Chapter 3 is to evaluate the impact of an information campaign on health care utilization in Mali. Because the campaign could not be conducted in all health districts at the same time for logistical reasons, it was conducted in three waves. We use these exogenous temporal variations to evaluate the effect of this campaign on the demand for care. Giving information led to a large increase in the use of prenatal consultations and assisted deliveries. Chapter 4 shows that the work environment can have a significant impact on the health status of individuals. The difficulties of identifying endogeneity problems are overcome by exploiting the exogenous nature of European directives aimed at reforming the French energy sector. Organizational changes have had an effect on the psychological health of workers.
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