Essays in experimental and managerial economics.

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Manuscrit for French Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR)
Summary My main research areas are experimental economics and managerial economics. My work is at the interface of economics and management because the issues I study have both an economic and a managerial dimension. My research activities focus on individual behaviors in organizational contexts. In all my work, published and in progress, I use laboratory experiments and/or framed-field experiments for the empirical part. The experimental procedures I develop aim at describing precisely the information, incentives and interaction sequences as they are in the contexts I study. My general research theme is the question of resource allocation behavior in organizational contexts. More specifically, my research is organized around the following main themes: First, I study the effect of identity, affiliation, social distance, and leadership on resource allocation behaviors in organizational contexts; second, the effect of uncertainty and risk aversion on resource allocation behaviors in organizational contexts; and third, the effect of information utilization methodologies on resource allocation behaviors in organizational contexts, including limited-capacity firms and entrepreneurial firms.
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