CJEU case law 2018: decisions and commentary.

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Summary The back cover states, "The CJEU Casebook 2018. Decisions and Commentaries brings together the decisions of the Court of Justice delivered during 2018 that were considered to be the most significant in each of the subjects covered by European Union law: institutional matters, legal order, fundamental rights, appeals, preliminary questions, citizenship, economic freedoms, social rights and social actions, environment, taxation, cartels, abuse of dominant position and concentrations, state aid, area of freedom, security and justice, external action, intellectual property, public procurement, banking and insurance, consumer affairs, transport, jurisdiction of courts and applicable laws, public finance, economic and monetary union. For each of these subjects, a specialist, who is an authority on European Union law and more particularly on the subject concerned, has selected one or more decisions of the Court of Justice considered to be significant in terms of the trends in current case law, or even important for the development of European Union law. Preceded by keywords and references to the first notes published in law reviews, each selected decision is accompanied by comments written by the university professor who made the selection. The commentaries, written in a synthetic and practical spirit, aim to highlight the reasoning adopted by the Court of Justice in support of the chosen solution and the scope of the judgments and opinions issued. The reader thus has a complete work that takes into account the contributions of the case law of the Court of Justice in 2018. After the first four volumes, published in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, this is the fifth volume in the "Major judgments" series. It will be followed, each year, by a corresponding work reporting, in each of the subjects covered by European Union law, on the important case law of the past year. In this way, legal practitioners, lawyers, magistrates, civil servants and company lawyers, as well as academics in the various disciplines of law, will be able to better understand the current case law of the Court of Justice.
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