Growth, employment and development.

  • FORAY Dominique
  • GADREY Jean
  • GAUTIE Jerome
  • GAZIER Bernard
  • GUELLEC Dominique
  • L HORTY Yannick
  • COMBEMALE Pascal
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Summary The back cover states: "This book is the first in a series of three volumes that aim to cover the main contemporary economic and social issues, at the national, European and global levels. Their particularity is to have been conceived and written by specialists in these issues, recognized academics and researchers, for high school and undergraduate students. The texts gathered here are distinguished by three major qualities: each is a synthesis of the state of scientific knowledge . their clarity and readability make them accessible without compromising their rigor . their problematization gives meaning to the questions addressed and arouses the reader's interest. In order to respond even better to questions about the world and our society, in particular those related to the multiple crises we are facing, the book has not only been updated and revised, but also enriched by new contributions. The issues addressed in this volume: the factors of economic growth . the knowledge economy . the transformations of the world of work . the mutations of employment and the analyses of unemployment . the possibility of a post-growth development.
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