Life after confinement: return to normal or search for a new course?

  • SAUGER Nicolas
  • FERRAGINA Emanuele
  • HELMEID Emily
  • PAULY Stefan
  • RECCHI Ettore
  • SAFI Mirna
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Summary To what extent does the Covid-19 disrupt our daily lives? How is the French population experiencing the confinement? To what extent are social inequalities exacerbated and social cohesion threatened? The CoCo project provides answers to these topical questions by comparing living conditions in France before and after confinement. This is the fourth in a series of preliminary reports now covering the entire period of confinement. Was life during confinement a parenthesis or a form of new normal? Beyond whether people returned to their traditional activities after May 11, this report looks at the impact of the containment experience on attitudes and opinions. Did the lockdown accelerate underlying trends or allow new social and political orientations to emerge? - 75% of people anticipate a second peak in the epidemic, - Sense of well-being increased during the containment period, - One-third of people are still working at home even after containment ends, - Two-thirds of the population intend to limit their social interactions in the coming months, - Support for more public spending on hospitals is widespread, - Wealthier people are more likely to support a pay raise for nurses, - Sentiment of distrust of globalization is increasing, - The desire to protect the environment is becoming more prevalent.
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