Seize the State through its administration.

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Summary This issue's thematic dossier proposes to study the administrative workings of public action in order to better understand the State. It continues the reflections begun during a colloquium organized on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Centre de sociologie des organisations (CSO). Far from a simple commemorative aim, its contributions offer a transversal look at the contemporary metamorphoses of the State. Contributions to the dossier: "Seizing the State through its administration. For a sociology of the workings of public action" (Olivier Borraz and Émilien Ruiz). "The new bureaucratic phenomenon. Le gouvernement par la performance entre bureaucratisation, marché et politique" (Philippe Bezes) . "La haute fonction publique entre organisations, professions et patrons. A comparative sociology of administrative labor markets" (Natacha Gally) . "Between loosening and tightening the state lock. French local authorities between autonomy and state regulation" (Patrick Le Lidec) . "Half a century after Pierre Grémion. Re-understanding centralization from the periphery" (Renaud Epstein).
Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques
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