Crop Fertilization Impacts Epidemics and Optimal Latent Period of Biotrophic Fungal Pathogens.

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Journal Article
Summary Crop pathogens are known to rapidly adapt to agricultural practices. Although cultivar resistance breakdown and resistance to pesticides have been broadly studied, little is known about the adaptation of crop pathogens to fertilization regimes and no epidemiological model has addressed that question. However, this is a critical issue for developing sustainable low-input agriculture. In this article, we use a model of life history evolution of biotrophic wheat fungal pathogens in order to understand how they could adapt to changes in fertilization practices. We focus on a single pathogen life history trait, the latent period, which directly determines the amount of resources allocated to growth and reproduction along with the speed of canopy colonization. We implemented three fertilization scenarios, corresponding to major effects of increased nitrogen fertilization on crops: (i) increase in nutrient concentration in leaves, (ii) increase of leaf lifespan, and (iii) increase of leaf number (tillering) and size that leads to a bigger canopy size. For every scenario, we used two different fitness measures to identify putative evolutionary responses of latent period to changes in fertilization level. We observed that annual spore production increases with fertilization, because it results in more resources available to the pathogens. Thus, diminishing the use of fertilizers could reduce biotrophic fungal epidemics. We found a positive relationship between the optimal latent period and fertilization when maximizing total spore production over an entire season. In contrast, we found a negative relationship between the optimal latent period and fertilization when maximizing the within-season exponential growth rate of the pathogen. These contrasting results were consistent over the three tested fertilization scenarios. They suggest that between-strain diversity in the latent period, as has been observed in the field, may be due to diversifying selection in different cultural environments.
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