Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking.

  • BANERJEE Soumya
  • SAILHAN Francoise
  • RENAULT Eric
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Summary The rapid deployment of new infrastructures based on network virtualization and cloud computing triggers new applications and services that in turn generate new constraints such as security and/or mobility. The International Conference on Mobile, Secure and Programmable Networking aims at providing a top forum for researchers and practitioners to present the future networking infrastructures, services and applications and their security. MSPN 2017 was hosted by CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) a French public institute created in 1794 and dedicated to long-life education. CNAM is based in the heart of Paris and is associated with the museum of arts and crafts. We had 35 submissions and the Program Committee accepted 17 papers. Every submission was assigned to three members of the Program Committee for review. The accepted papers originate from: Algeria, Australia, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, South Korea, Luxembourg, Morocco, Norway, Tunisia, and United Kingdom. Two brilliant invited speakers completed the technical program. The first speaker was Dr. Hanène Maupas from OT-Morpho, who presented the vision of industry in terms of identity and security in the Internet of Things. The second speaker was Dr. Nikolaos Georgantas, the head of the MIMOVE team at Inria, which is the best research institute in computer science in France. We would like to thank the authors for their high-quality paper contributions, the chairs and the members of the Technical Program Committee (and the additional reviewers) for reviewing the submitted papers and selecting a high-quality program, and the general chairs for their support. Our special thanks go also to the Organizing Committee members for their great help and to the sponsoring institutions. We hope that all the participants enjoyed this successful conference, made a lot of new contacts, and had a pleasant stay in Paris.
Springer International Publishing
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