A new edition of the Conversations A\venir was organised by the Institut Louis Bachelier on 7 November at the Collège de France, in partnership with the BNP Paribas Foundation.

During the event, Philippe Aghion, economist and professor at the Collège de France, gave a talk on the theme of “Reindustrialisation: How can Europe compete with the United States and China, which are committed to proactive industrial, technological and energy policies?

Following his speech, Philippe Aghion took part in a round table discussion, moderated by Guillaume Ledit, Editorial Director of ADN Studio, with Sylvie Jehanno, CEO of EDF subsidiary Dalkia and Isabelle Loc, Managing Director of BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, which is also available in audio by clicking on the second link.

Speech by Philippe Aghion:

Eighth edition of CAVenir // Philippe Aghion, Professor at the Collège de France

Presentation of Philippe Aghion (PDF)

Round Table:

Round Table: CAVenir Europe facing reindustrialisation

Article summarising the highlights of the conference:

How can Europe reindustrialise?