A first workshop held on 8 April highlighted the difficulties of linking low-carbon scenarios (France Stratégie & CGDD, ADEME, RTE, negaWATT, the Shift Project, etc.) and the implementation of complex innovations in company strategies.
This second workshop will explore how these top down and bottom up approaches can be approached in a complementary way.
The content of the workshop will be organised by crossing two approaches:

The issues raised in the deployment of complex innovations based on case studies (decarbonisation of an industrial sector, mobility in the territories).
The instrumentation of these issues through economic analyses (choice of perimeter, horizon, synergies between sectors and between regions, taking into account issues related to the circular economy, etc.) and institutional analyses in the form of public policies (coordination between the regional, national and European levels; public-private partnerships; redistribution and equity issues; discrepancy between the tutelary value of carbon and the EU-ETS market)


Workshop organised on the initiative of ADEME, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, EDF, ENGIE and RENAULT, within the framework of the Energy and Prosperity and Sustainable Development Chairs, Ecole Polytechnique.

Contact: jean-pierre.ponssard[at]polytechnique.edu


Public and private managers, researchers.


It is possible to follow the workshop by videoconference (Teams link to come), however during the exchanges, the interventions from the floor will be privileged.

Registration required on this form

Click here for the full programme


  • Chaire Energie et Prospérité


Paris La Défense Tour ENGIE Place Samuel-Champlain, Courbevoie, 92400 France