ILB Event Webinar: Is there an end to the crypto winter? Investors protection and regulation Cet événement est passé. 16 March @ 17 H 00 min - 19 H 00 min This event is in english. The ILB interdisciplinary research program Finance and Insurance Reloaded (FaIR) invites you to its next webinar on the theme of the crypto winter. Programme: 5 PM – 5:10 PM : Introduction – Marie Brière (Scientific Director of the FaIR program, Institut Louis Bachelier) 5:10 PM – 5:40 PM: Iota Nassr (Economist / Policy Analyst at OECD): Lessons from the Crypto Winter – Defi vs Cefi 5:40 PM – 6:10PM: Nicolas Louvet (CEO Coinhouse) / Manuel Valente (Scientific Director Coinhouse): Lessons from FTX failure 6:10 PM – 6:50 PM: Panel discussion Moderator: Louis Bertucci (Scientific Coordinator, FaIR program, Institut Louis Bachelier) Agostino Capponi (Associate Professor, Columbia University) Hanna Halaburda (Associate Professor, NYU) Julien Prat (Researcher at CREST Ecole polytechnique) Global crypto markets lost about USD 2 trillion of market value compared to their peak at the end of 2021. During this prolonged sell-off, known as “crypto winter”, many actors of the crypto space went bankrupt (Terra/Luna, Three Arrows Capital, or more recently FTX), contagion between crypto assets spiked, with adverse consequences for investors. Those failures exacerbated the global sell-off and raised important concerns for regulators around the world. This roundtable aims to address the following questions: Is there a risk of contagion of crypto markets to traditional financial markets? What will be the consequences of crypto failures on investors’ crypto sentiment? How should regulation protect retail investors? Do decentralized finance protocols offer better investor protection than centralized platforms? Would standards of disclosure, controls, governance and new forms of custody help the crypto industry restore trust? Conclusion: Olivier Fliche (Director of Fintech Innovation Unit at ACPR) Registration Organizer Finance and Insurance Reloaded – FaIR, Institut Louis Bachelier, ACPR Location Online conference