Join the conference either online or on site at TSE to attend thought-provoking sessions on responsible finance and on central banks and inspiring roundtables on shareholder engagement and corporate social responsability.


Registration on site   |   Registration online



Thursday 2nd

8.30am – 9.00am Registration & Welcome Coffee

9.00am – 3.30pm RESPONSIBLE FINANCE With the support of Netspar
9.00am – 9.45am Jacquelyn Humphrey (University of Queensland) «The Asymmetry in Responsible Investing Preferences»
9.45am – 10.30am Nadja Guenster (University of Munster) «Understanding the motivations for Socially responsible Investing: A field experiment»
10.30am – 10.45am Break
10.45am – 11.30am Augustin Landier (HEC Paris) «ESG Investing: How to Optimize Impact »
11.30am – 12.30 Panel discussion: «Shareholder Engagement & Corporate Social Responsibility»
Vincent Ducros, Group Environment Director, GetLink Guillaume Lassere, Deputy CIO, La Banque Postale Clémence Moullot, SRI Asset Manager, Edmond de Rotchschild AM Nathalie Thiollet, Managing Director, Impak
12:30 – 2:00pm Lunch Break
2.00pm – 2.45pm Rob Bauer (Maastricht University) «Eliciting Pension Beneficiaries’Sustainability Preferences»
2.45pm – 3.30pm Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics) with Nickolay Gantchev and Qingqiu Li «Does Money Talk? Market Discipline through Selloffs and Boycotts»

3.30pm – 3.50pm Break

3.50pm – 4.00pm Conclusion of the Responsible Finance Session & Introduction to the Inaugural Conference FIT IN Initiative by Milo Bianchi (TSE) & Seth Garz (BMGF)

4.00pm – 5.00pm Keynote Jean Tirole (TSE) «The Morality of Markets and the Nature of Competition»

5.00pm – 5.15pm Break

5.15pm – 7.00pm FIT IN Initiative
5.15pm – 7.00pm Session 1 – Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion
5.15pm – 5.50pm Jenny Aker (Tufts University) with Silvia Prina and C. Jamilah Welch «Migration, Money Transfers and Mobile Money»
5.50pm – 6.25pm Catia Batista (Nova) with Pedro Vicente «Is Mobile Money Changing Rural Africa? Evidence from a Field Experiment»
6.25pm – 7.00pm Emma Riley (University of Washington) with Abu Shonchoy «Peer Effects in Technology Adoption: Evidence from Mobile Banking in Ghana»


Friday 3rd

9.00am-3.30pm CENTRAL BANKS
9.00am – 9.45am Jean Barthélemy (BDF) «The Central Bank, the Treasury, or the Market: Which one Determines the Price Level?»
9.45am – 10.30am Caterina Mendicino (ECB) «Twin Defaults and Bank Capital Requirements»
10.30am – 10.45am Break
10.45 – 11.30 Pablo Garcia (BCL) «Learning, Uncertainty and Monetary Policy»
11.30am – 12.15 Melina Papoutsi (ECB) «How Unconventional is Green Monetary Policy?»
12.15 – 2.00pm Lunch Break
2.00pm – 2.45pm Ulrich Hege (TSE) «Carbon policies and Corporate Strategy»
2.45pm – 3.30pm TBC

3.30pm –3.50pm Break

3.50pm – 4.00pm Conclusion of the Central Banks Session & Presentation to the Session FIT IN Initiative

4.00pm – 5.00pm Keynote Jean-Charles Rochet (University of Geneva & TSE) with Jon Frots (BIS), Hyun Song Shin (BIS) and Marianne Verdier (Université Panthéon Paris) «The Competing Digital Monies: The Impact of a CBDC»

5.00pm – 5.15pm Break

5.15pm – 7.00pm FIT IN Initiative
5.15pm – 7.00pm Session 2 – Digital Payments and Financial Services
5.15pm – 5.50pm Uday Rajan (University of Michigan) with C. Parlour and H. Zhu «When FinTech Competes for Payment Flows »
5.50pm – 6.25pm Michael Sockin (UT Austin) with John Zhuang Liu and Wei Xiong «Data Privacy and Consumer Vulnerability»
6.25pm – 7.00pm Yao Zeng (University of Wharton) with Pulak Ghosh and Boris Vallee «FinTech Lending and Cashless Payments»


Registration on site   |   Registration online


  • Toulouse School of Economics

