Presentation of the new Revue Française de Gestion special report “SRI: success or dilution?

Programme :

  • 5:30 pm: welcome and general introduction by the editors of the special issue, Bouchra Mzali, Patricia Crifo, Nicolas Mottis
  • 17h45-18h30: presentation of the articles by the authors
    • G. Capelle-Blancard, A. Desroziers, A. Garel, A. Petit-Romec, SRI, structural change and false pretence;
    • C. Dumas & S. Anastasiadis, Calculative and discursive mechanisms in ESG ratings – Effects on legitimacy with stakeholders;
    • V. Bouchet, Les ODD: nouveau référentiel pour mesurer l’impact de l’investissement responsable?
    • V. Serret & C.-A. Loher-Delalune, Quelles sont les incitations à l’engagement actionnarial? An exploratory study of the actors in the French ecosystem.
  • 18h30-18h40: Putting the ACPR (Laurent Clerc) and the AMF (Julie Ansidei) into perspective
  • 18:40-19:00: Q&A and debate


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Free access.


  • Ecole polytechnique


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