Preventing climate change is one of the largest global challenges requiring extensive actions by both firms and policy makers. This will also require a substantial transformation of flows intermediated by the financial sector. Recent years have seen a rapid rise in the extent to which the financial industry evaluates assets on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Yet, it is far from clear whether this mediates financial flows adequately and into the right channels. Moreover, global warming will impose novel challenges for financial actors and the interplay between regulators, investors, and corporate 

The KWC/SNEE Conference on Sustainable Finance aims to provide insights into these and other fundamental issues.

A call for papers is open until August 7, 2022. For more information: Call for Papers_sustfin22.pdf



  • Knut Wicksell Centre for Financial Studies, Lund University,
  • Swedish Network for European Studies in Economics (SNEE)


Grand Hotel Bantorget 1, Box, 1136, 221 04, Lund,