The reign of those who speak loudly: how Twitter builds antagonistic camps and amplifies moral anger”
Samuel Laurent, journalist, Le Monde.

In a decade, the Bluebird network has become the network of the elites, politicians and journalists, and has become an important element in the media agenda. This has been well understood by certain groups who have been able to use this amplifier to impose their themes in the debate. A debate whose grammar ends up imitating that of Twitter, notably taking up its camp logic and verbal violence.

“Fighting online hate speech: what regulation in the age of conversation?”
Célia Zolynski, Professor of Law, University of Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne

While the fight against online hate speech is a priority for French and European legislators, it is important to think about its articulation with the protection of freedom of expression. This requires the proposal of a new regulatory approach calling for action by platforms, end users and the State.

Regulating Online Offense: Exploring Users’ Normative Expectations 
Valentine Crosset, post-doctoral fellow, medialab Sciences Po, Good in Tech Chair
“Delete”, “Reported”, social network users frequently make requests for deletion of statements they deem undesirable on social networks.  In extremely diverse forms and for extremely diverse reasons, they contribute to defining the space of the dicible by signaling the comments they wish to make invisible. This survey explores the practice of reporting offensive comments on Twitter by examining the variety of forms taken by users’ normative expressions. It aims both to measure the development of this new practice by defining the perimeter of what users consider offensive and to evaluate the normative conflicts between users regarding the boundaries of the dicible. 

  • The reign of those who speak loudly: how Twitter builds antagonistic camps and amplifies moral anger. Samuel Laurent, journalist, Le Monde.
  • Fighting online hate speech: what regulation in the age of conversation? Célia Zolynski, professor of law, University of Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne
  • Regulating online offense: Exploring users’ normative expectations. Valentine Crosset, post-doctoral fellow, Medialab Sciences Po, Good in Tech Chair


  • Chaire Good in Tech

