Friday Lunch Meeting Research Emmanuel Hache Cet événement est passé. 21 January @ 12 H 30 min - 14 H 00 min Emmanuel Hache is an economist-prospector in the Economics and Environmental Assessment Department of IFP Énergies nouvelles. He is Director of Research at the Institute for International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) and a research associate at Economix (EconomiX-CNRS, University of Paris Nanterre). Title: Prospective methodology for assessing the material needs of the energy transition. Abstract: In the context of the energy transition, the criticality of materials (cobalt, copper, lithium, nickel, etc.) used in low-carbon technologies could be exacerbated by the increase in their consumption. The objective of this presentation is to propose a prospective methodology based on the Times Markal model developed at IFPEN to assess the consumption of materials by 2050 and the public policies needed to reduce criticality. REGISTRATION The link will be provided once you register. Organizer Chaire Economie du Climat Location Webinar