ESG disclosure: what regulatory and supervisory information to disclose? Cet événement est passé. 28 June @ 8 H 30 min - 12 H 00 min Event only in person and in French The authorities’ desire to develop sustainable finance has led to prolific regulation on ESG themes. France was a forerunner in 2015 with article 173 of the law on energy transition and the European Commission through its Action Plan has accelerated this movement. The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), the Taxonomy Regulation, and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), in particular, have introduced new measures for companies and investors, supplemented by the Energy and Climate Law. This regulation of sustainable finance raises issues of implementation timetable and alignment of texts. It also raises questions about the availability and standardisation of non-financial data. It can also be a source of litigation and fraud through greenwashing. In this changing context, it is important to clarify with the regulators the regulatory and prudential information to be communicated in a homogeneous manner, in order to meet the requirements of disclosure and sustainability reporting. Players from the consulting, rating and financial industry will also testify about their methodology and experience on this topic. Target audience: Banks, insurance companies and asset management companies Companies CSR and SRI departments, investment managers, fund managers, analysts Lawyers and advisors Academics More information and registration Organiser AEFR Location AMF 17 place de la Bourse, Paris, 75002 France