Jean-Michel Beacco, Director General of the Institut Louis Bachelier


Antoine Sire, Head of Corporate Commitment of BNP Paribas,

are pleased to invite you to the sixth edition of the




The next edition of the Conversations A\venir conference will take place at the Collège de France (11 Place Marcelin Berthelot – 75005 Paris, Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre), in person only, on 27 September. On this occasion, we will have the privilege of welcoming Etienne Klein, Research director at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), physicist, author, professor at the Ecole Centrale de Paris and producer of the programme Sciences en question on France Culture.


Theme: “Can scientific knowledge become popular?” 

At first glance, popular science is a big hit. Do you write books? They are read. Do you give lectures? People come and ask relevant questions. But on closer examination, such successes must be put into perspective by virtue of a truism: popularisation only interests people who are interested in… popularisation! In other words, very few people. As the experience of the Covid pandemic has shown, the ‘general public’ hardly has any direct contact with real scientific content, whether it be results, demonstrations or experiments, and they drink from other sources. So what lessons can we draw from what we have just experienced about the relationship between science and society? And what could we do to better disseminate scientific knowledge?


Etienne Klein‘s speech will be followed by a round table discussion moderated by Guillaume Ledit (Editorial Director – L’ADN Le Studio) where he will exchange with Sylvie Méléard (Mathematician, Professor at Ecole Polytechnique), Christophe Lenouvel (Chairman BNP Paribas Agility Capital) and Axel Dauchez (Chairman and Founder Make.org).

This event is organised by the ILB in partnership with BNP Paribas and the Collège de France.

The number of places is limited.

Please confirm your attendance by clicking on the “Registration” link below:




17:00 Welcoming of the guests

17:30 Introduction: Jean-Michel Beacco, Director General of the Institut Louis Bachelier and Antoine Sire, Head of Company Engagement at BNP Paribas

17:45 “Can scientific knowledge become popular”, Etienne Klein – Research Director at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)

18:30 Round table discussion moderated by Guillaume Ledit (Editorial Director – L’ADN Le Studio)

  • Etienne Klein (Research Director at CEA)
  • Sylvie Méléard (Mathematician and Professor at the École polytechnique)
  • Christophe Lenouvel (Chairman BNP Paribas Agility Capital)
  • Axel Dauchez (President and Founder of Make.org)

Discussion session

19:30 Conclusion and end of the conference


  • BNP Paribas,
  • Institut Louis Bachelier


Collège de France 11 Place Marcelin Berthelot, Paris, 75231