Artificial intelligence for sustainable finance: realities and challenges Cet événement est passé. 17 October @ 17 H 00 min - 19 H 00 min This event is in french. In recent years, developments in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have led to the creation of a new type of ESG data, based on the collection and analysis of large amounts of unstructured data from different sources. We will explore key questions such as: How are alternative data and artificial intelligence tools used by asset managers? What value do they add to the construction of investment strategies? What are their potential biases and the risks associated with their use? Programme: 17:00 – 17:10: Introduction – Marie Brière (AMUNDI, President of the AFG Quantitative Techniques Club and Scientific Director of the FaIR programme at the Institut Louis Bachelier) 17:10 – 18:10 AI, alternative data and ESG: academic perspectives 17:10 – 17:40: Elise Gourier (Professor at Essec) Detecting greenwashing from textual data 17:40 – 18:10: Serge Darolles (Professor at PSL Paris Dauphine University) and Anouck Faverjon, (HEC Liège and PSL Paris Dauphine University) Deep learning, analyst recommendations and ESG ratings 18:10 – 18:50: Round Table: AI and ESG: applications in asset management Moderator: Bruno Taillardat (Global Head of Smart Beta and Factor Investing, AMUNDI) Luc Dumontier (Head of Investments and Operations, OSSIAM) Raul Leote de Carvahlo (Deputy Head of Quant Research Group, BNPPAM) Marine Neyret (Head of Data Lab, Institut Louis Bachelier) Thierry Roncalli (Head of Quantitative Portfolio Strategy, AMUNDI) 18:50 – 19:00: Conclusion – Adina Gurau Audibert (AFG) Registration Organiser Finance and Insurance Reloaded – FaIR, AFG, Institut Louis Bachelier Location Auditorium du Medef 55 Avenue Bosquet, Paris, 75007 France