Adaptation to climate change in the territories Cet événement est passé. 30 January @ 10 H 00 min - 12 H 30 min This event is in french. France Stratégie and the Institut de l’Économie pour le Climat – I4CE are organising a conference to take stock, a few months after a devastating summer that has left its mark on people’s consciousness, of the ambitions of public adaptation policies and their necessary increase in power. A succession of summer heat waves, prolonged drought, extreme rainfall… the last few months remind us that the manifestations of climate change are already perceptible in France. We must therefore avoid the unmanageable, through decarbonisation policies, while managing the inevitable, through adaptation to climate change. This reality highlights the crucial role of adaptation policies. How can we accelerate their implementation in France, particularly in the territories? What roles do and could the various national and local public actors play? What organisations need to be deployed in terms of governance, human resources and funding? The conference will be moderated by Nabil Wakim, journalist at Le Monde. France Stratégie and I4CE will present their latest work to shed light on these issues. These introductory speeches will be followed by a round table discussion with the participation of Christophe Béchu, Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion of France; Ronan Dantec, Senator for Loire-Atlantique, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Regional Planning and Sustainable Development; Marie-Guite Dufay, President of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region; Sébastien Leroy, Mayor of Mandelieu-la-Napoule; Boris Ravignon, President of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME). Registration required Registration Organiser I4CE Location Auditorium Marceau Long, 20 avenue de Ségur, Paris, 75007