24th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation Cet événement est passé. 6-8 September @ 18 H 00 min - 18 H 00 min This event is in english. It is a great pleasure to invite you to Paris-Dauphine University for the 24th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation. GCET is the leading global forum for exchanges on the principles and practices of environmental taxation and other market-based instruments designed to protect the environment and foster sustainability. In line with the tradition, a selection of the best contributions will also be published this year in the prestigious “Critical issues in environmental taxation” from Edward Elgar publishers. The scientific program for GCET24 will cover issues relating to environmental taxation and focus on economic tools to tackle mitigation issues, biodiversity losses and climate vulnerability, including but not limited to: Challenges of agriculture and forestry for carbon sequestration, non-CO2 GHG & biodiversity, Challenges of urban areas for land use, CO2 emissions and climate-resilience, Supranational regulations to tackle domestic and imported CO2 emissions and biodiversity losses with a special focus on the recent reform of EU-ETS, Business and biodiversity : Economical and financial risks and opportunities associated with the decline of biodiversity, nature-based solutions. We look forward to welcoming you in Paris for this new edition of the conference. Christian de Perthuis & Edouard Civel Co-chairs of the Conference Registration Organiser Institut Louis Bachelier – Chaire Economie du Climat, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL Location Université Paris Dauphine-PSL Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, Paris, 75016 France